Let`s stop drinking the cool-aid

Day 2,632, 20:04 Published in South Africa Israel by Chaim Dov

Weirdly enough today I was accused of working with Lazocracy through a private message or "negotiating" with Lazocracy. I have feeling people may believe this even though this was a first accusation. If those who believe I am working with Lazocracy, read my articles. I have no intention to work with them, further me I was accused of not being nominated to be the resistance`s spokesperson...I was wondering if I should troll this person or give him a straight answer.

Those who speak out against Lazocracy need the so called resistance`s approval? What kind of nonsense is this? I never claimed myself to be part of the resistance or their official spokesperson and for those who don`t like me writing against them....no one`s stopping you from writing articles. If you think this was weird, you should be in my shoes when I woke up to read this. All I can say in response, stop drinking the special cool-aid...this is absurd. If there is a resistance its now time to step up.