Let's make it better!

Day 761, 11:21 Published in Croatia Croatia by Gunner1980

Dear admins,

Lately you've been hitting us with all these changes, claiming that they are to make the game better. Now, I do not want to go into the actual reasons for those changes (hint:"chi-ching" ), but if you REALLY want to make game better, here are some suggestions that might help:

1. Skill gained per day is currently bigger for the first 4 skill levels, but from skill 4 onwards you always receive the same increase of 0.02 per day. From my POV this is unfair to the people working in the companies of higher quality, and I am certain lot of people would agree on this one. Truth to be told, people that are working in the companies of higher Q are of course receiving a higher salary, which compensates for the extra wellness they are losing per day, but does it not make sense that a person working in a company of a higher Q gains skill faster? A stupid example: a waiter working in a 5* hotel will surely have more skills then a waiter working in an average restaurant/diner. My recco would be to have it like this:

• Working in a Q2 company +15% on the skill (0.02+15%=0.023 per day)
• Working in a Q3 company + 30% on the skill (0.02+30%=0.026 per day)
• Working in a Q4 company + 45% on the skill (0.02+45%=0.029 per day)
• Working in a Q5 company + 60% on the skill (0.02+60%=0.032 per day)

Obviously, percentages are here just to present the case, they can be altered in any way you see fit...

2. Create a possibility of multi-messaging (sending a PM to more than one receiver). This would make job of company owners, army leaders, party leaders etc much easier. Now, in order to avoid the potential harm of it (people spamming other peoples' inbox) as one of prerequisites to send a MM would be that persons to whom that MM is directed to are on your friend list. If they are not, then they cannot be on a receiving end of that MM. So when a person X misuses his "friend list" and sends an MM that was unwanted, all a person Z has to do is to remove person X from a friend list and they will no longer receive X's MM's. Since English is not my native language, I hope I explained this in a right way.

I am sure that you (admins) are aware that there are some scripts that are allowing you to send a message to more than one person, but truth to be told, those scripts and websites are a pain in the ass. I speak for myself (but I reckon that a lot of people would agree with me) when I say that I would gladly pay for instance 1 gold per month to have an option of MM, and that this option would put a smile on my face 🙂

3. Translate the game to Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, or at least get an admin that speaks this language. There are currently at least 20k players in these areas, and our languages are quite similar, so I see no reason whatsoever for this recco not to be implemented.

Now, this text would not be complete if I did not mention this: In your last article one of your sentences was "Meanwhile you have the power to change the future and your suggestions on potential improvements to existing and new modules are very helpful as always." which made me LMAO. If this was even remotely the truth, you would have removed Lana long time ago, as that was the popular demand and all articles that had this as a topic (removing Lana) were top voted articles in their country, and most of them got to be top voted on international level. All of the reasons why Lana should be removed were already beautifully explained in those articles, so I will not go into details about it. Lana looks good but here is a newsflash - all of your players are online (believe it or not) so much hotter girls are just one click of the mouse away. For instance, Lana would have to go through some serious surgeries to be as hot as this girl is:

Stay tuned for some more brainstorming from an average gooner.

He came to us when Henry went, Eddie, Eddie,
He scored more goals than Robbie Keane, Eddie, Eddie,
He broke his leg, but he'll be back,
And Robbie Keane will still be cack,
Eduardo Silva Arsenal's Number 9...