Let's Keep the Progress Going!

Day 774, 22:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by AppleMan

2010 is here! Another year passes as we come up to a new Presidential term. In the last month much has happened in Ireland. We traded 1 War Game set for a more reliable one, ridding ourselves of trade restrictions. Our troops fought bravely abroad to spread sovreignty in the new world. We saw the ban of one of our most notorious citizens. We also completed our second Q5 hospital, ensuring greater health and security on our isle.

I am proud to have served as your President and I ask for your support once again. With your help John Jay and I can continue Ireland's progress and keep our country growing!

We have some exciting plans for the second term. Thanks to our Chief of Staff and IDF Commanding Officers our military is now set to take on new challenges. It's time to use our military to it's full capability. Ireland is at peace with her neighbors so our troops will ship out to fight with our allies abroad for freedom. We will fight hard and coordinated, showing the world what these tricolors stand for!

My next goal is to grow Ireland. We all know that every successful country recruits and retains as many new citizens as it can. I will work with my Citizen Ministers to bring in and support new citizens.

If you read my last article you know I appointed a new Minister of Trade. I am committed to working with Gonzo to expand Ireland's International markets and grow our economy. Our national Banc will continue to stabilize the monetary market and support business growth.

With your help Ireland can grow ever stronger, more prosperous and envied in the New World. I am proud to lead Ireland and I will be proud to be your President for a second term!

Thank you and may the eGods bless Ireland in the New Year.

Country President
Irish Citizen