Let's Do Charity Work by MorningAlice

Day 967, 05:53 Published in USA USA by MorningAlice
Hello Everyone!🙂 First off as usual~ I want to thank you for taking the time to read Alice’s Wonderland. This would be the 4th article I’ll release 🙂

For everyone who has read my edited 3rd article, you are aware that I have joined a competition by Charmader95, here’s a link pls read it first before continuing with my article, it will help you understand things better:


He is looking for the best eUS Newspapers, yes yes I know you’d be thinking “what in the world were you thinking Alice?! Joining such a competition when you just started your newspaper like a week ago? Are you crazy! You have no chance of winning! Go away newb!! x[” ohhhkaayy… *cough* umm well I think I did fairly well with the Elimination Rounds getting the 1st seed spot with 62 votes~ (oh btw thank you for everyone who voted for me!)*cough* 😛 who’s the newb now? Lol xD anyways, the competition has now entered its 1st round and yes its quite obvious that I will be asking AGAIN for your votes! BUT before I do that, I owe each and everyone of you an explanation as to what ill be doing with the prize money of 15 gold. I, MorningAlice, (yes it looks like im taking an oath because I AM taking an oath) promise to my readers and to all my potential voters that I will donate the entire 15 gold to the Welcoming Committee/Meals on Wheels Program IF and when I win. You may ask why I’ve come up with this decision when I myself don’t have 15 gold. (yes I r poor q.q) It seems absurd for a poor newbie to be doing charity work I know but one of the main reasons why I stayed and continued on playing eRep during my first week was because I was shown the kindness and sense of community the eUS has to its newbies. If you vote for me I promise it will be for a good cause, here’s a simple explanation:

15 gold x 43 (current value of gold to USD) = 645 USD

A +10 happiness food costs about 6$ so

645 / 6 = 107.5 happiness food

107 food that are +10 in happiness! If we were able to give at least 2 per newbie, it will give at least 53 newbies more reason to stay and continue playing, this simple gesture of kindness might just be the deciding factor to entice all those newbies to go on and brave the new world of eRepublik Rising.

Ok finished babbling, I am now begging.. ok not begging (that’s just too much 😛) asking! For your votes, if by some chance you don’t like me (I hope not :c) please still vote for me, don’t do it for me, do it for the newbies who’d benefit greatly. You guys are probably well off enough to easily afford and shrug off 6$ but I ask you to remember the time when YOU were just starting off, barely scraping enough money to buy food, save up for a house AND buy weapons.. it’s really not that easy and quite disheartening (I know cuz I’ve been there like 2 weeks ago), if we give them hope, it will better not just them but the entire eUS, the newbies you’ll be helping, whether you like it or not, IS the future of the eUS you all are working hard to build right now. Those 53 newbies might also be the difference in the defense of our beloved eCountry when the time comes, you never know right? 🙂

please think about all that I have said and vote here:

Clicky Clicky Clicky! DO IT Pretty Please? :3

I may need you to vote like 3 more times for the quarter, semis and the finals but I promise you itll be worth it! (you can even print screen this article to make sure I do donate the gold because I really will, ill post a print screen of it probably on my 5th or 6th article)

EDITE😨 i got this letter from Joshua Norton he sai😛

Dear MorningAlice,

First I wish to say good luck in the contest. I have read your recent artice about donating the 15 Gold to Meals on Wheels for less unfortunate new citizens of eRepublik if you win the contest. I believe you will do what you say and to make it worth your effort more, If you do win I will match your donation of 15 gold. I have a saying which you might like so here it is. " You only have your word and if that cant be trusted then you have already lost the game."
Again I wish you luck in the contest and hope this letter finds you in good spirits and prospering.

Joshua A Norton

now we get 30 Gold!

sooo we just multiply all the math by 2~ *calculates* lol we can now help pretty much more or less 106/107 newbies! :3 yey~

p.s. sorry for all the wrong grammar, im really really really sleepy, just somehow managed to finish this article 😛

OH OH OH!! I just remembered! I think ill be running for this month’s congress elections~ wish me luck? :3 *cough*movetomystateandvote4me*cough* 😛

With all my Love,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It’s almost the eBirthday of one of my closest friends here at eRep! Blazix this one’s for you :3

<3 u B! 🙂