Let me be your best option for congress!!

Day 396, 04:35 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

Hello my dear countrymen!! The elections for congress are close and anyone of us must think well about the reasons for a man should get our votes. In my opinion these reasons are different for any citizen. But there are also few reasons which are common for everyone and these are:

1. The canditate' fairness.
2. The way that the candidate behaved for his country.
3. The manner in which the candidate treats his daily duties.
4. His knowledge of political and economical issues for the country he wants to represent.
5. His involvement in any activity which requires help.

Our country needs to be ruled by the best men possible and needs stability especially in politics.
We all saw that many of our best players leaved eNorway to fight like mercenaries in other fights. Although they have notoriety, many of them decided to leave congress and to leave our great country.
You don't have to repeat the mistake and vote people only for their name.
You have to choose wisely and to continue the good things Norway has done and to keep straight direction Norway is heading, by voting the people who were standing right beside you in good but also in difficult times.
I remained here with you no matter how hard times were and sustained our country by trying to provide us economical stability for our companies and our citizens. These good things must continue and by voting me, you will assure for you and for the whole region the best things in eRep, things which all of us deserve.
I am hoping that I'm your option for congress because I proved myself to be fair, honest and dedicated for your cause.
I stood here and fight for our rights and if you will give me your votes I will represent you with great honor and my only purpose will be to help our region to become one of the greatest in eNorway.
Vote wisely my dear friends and when you do this, think at your future.
Thank you!!