Let It Go

Day 1,176, 03:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Foreign Office of eMalaysia

Fruitcommando made a colossal mistake, that is undeniable. I honestly don't believe he learned his lesson either, this time may have been for "lulz" but he needs to realize that there are certain things you don't joke about. However, that doesn't mean he deserves to be constantly ridiculed in the media. He did it, it's been fixed, he apologized(whether seriously or not), it's done, let it go. This is a recurring problem in eMalaysia. The citizens refuse to let the past go and its only dragging the country down. By no means do I suggest that the past be forgotten, but to allow it to keep resurfacing only causes problems. For example, when Prle was running for CP two months ago, the old party lines were almost immediately redrawn. The former FUP was on one side and the old DAP/DPP was on the other, with the same arguments as well. Mistrust was rampant, it took the entire month for the two sides to come to an agreement and that's unacceptable.

Quit flaming Fruitcommando and quit ridiculing him in articles where he makes an actual attempt to apologize(sorta), you might be able to make him look bad, but you are making yourself look bad at the same time. He's gone now, let the whole thing go. Definitely never allow him back into politics in eMalaysia and when someone asks what you think of him, feel free to tell them, but constantly raging against him in the media will do you no good and it won't do eMalaysia any good either. Just let him go somewhere else and leave him alone, he's gone and that's all that should matter to you.
