Let's vote

Day 1,529, 05:12 Published in Canada Greece by sweeta

In my previous article Let's play I wrote about motivation. As I have promised, now I am publishing the answers at my questions, and I'll let you all to decide who are the winners of the symbolic prizes.

Rigour6 wrote: Great question, and one I think all reasonably intelligent players ask from time to time.
As pale a simulation as this game is, it represents the opportunity for a "Second Life".
In my day to day life, I don't have many opportunities to be a businessman, a soldier, a patriot, a political party member, a newspaper publisher.
I return here day after day as an exercise in imagination: if I were those things, what sort of a b/s/p/ppm/np would I be?
This game allows me to explore and express that and to do so in community with others. It has in that regard turned out to be a test of what I will do when my values are not reflected and on occasion actively opposed by role players and mischief-makers. It is an exercise in seeing what happens in a group dynamic when people can hide behind anonymity and not be responsible for their actions. As you might expect, this "freedom from consequence" reveals some truths about the inner workings of people: their patience, their idealism, their selfishness, their shallowness. I learn about those things in myself as well in the same way.

dhruvs wrote: Sure, this is a social game but that aspect's sheen wore off in about 6 months while I was a Crimson member. (or maybe I am just lazy 😛 ). Knowing that it was a high point as far as the the social aspect is concerned in this game, I don't bother with it anymore and treat it more as an ego-boost. Also, I am concerned mainly about the military aspect of this game and all the others are a means to that end. I would rather have 100 BHs than 100 companies. The reason being that playing farmville here is no fun and always has the same outcome day-in and day-out. Military is the only part left where your fortunes vary with time and has it's share of achievements and disappointments.

I spent money on this game couple of times a bit back and now get satisfaction out of being self-supplied and working towards some e-goals without spending a dime from my pocket. Some of them are:
1. Get 10 Merc medals. Done
2. 10k strength. Soon
3. 100 BHs. A month or two
4. God of War. Middle of the year.

With the limited resources that I have, I don't tank. I like to think I am playing it smart. As the cliche goes. 'It's not the size of your d!ck but how you use it'. haha

Here's is what SAWC wrote: My motivation in this game is mainly oriented around the many people i have met and became friends with. I'm more interested in helping others then getting a BH or using napoleon everyday. I plan on manager working my way to riches and continuing to support my friends when they need some food or tanks. The game itself has changed drastically alot of people say for the worse but they way i see it, times have changed and the way we play this game has also. It's entirely possible for one person to feed every new player that join eCanada for a small amount of money. When my old account got banned i stopped caring about BH's and being strong, i realized i would rather be the one helping new players out or buying mercenaries for big battles. I tend to think that a Supply Officer in this day and age can actually devote most of their wellness to manager working for their MU and their charities. I think it's better to be contributing my clicks to helping out IL by producing 14,000K WRM for them a day over fighting and extra 40 times.

Things i want to achieve in this game still?
1. 50 saltpeter companies for myself and 50 for the Independent Legion
2. Start saving gold to make q5 tank companies ( i want to have 5 some day)
3. Reorganize the eCanada MU network with a new more effective system of command and MU eligibility by creating an office of militia support, which will in turn use MU auditors to ensure all MU's are meeting the criteria the office will expect from them, and make sure funds are properly distributed by Need and not by inflated membership numbers.
4. I'd like to see the trolling in Canada quit, and people stop being total dicks because they think its the cool thing to do.

It's what keeps me playing.

The answer of Plugson is short and concise: I've come and gone several or more times now. When I figure out what the attraction is that keeps me and others from kicking the habit, I'm going to put it in a bottle and make millions. At different times, I've sworn off fighting, eating, working, voting, the MM market, and the forums but never quit the media. I'm guessing that's the nicotine of eRep. That and reading how people write and do very opposite things in this game. The human element makes for good soap.

And here's saltydog's answer: I'll rephrase your question as "What is interesting about this game?"
It's a social experiment. I like watching to see how people react to each other, to events, and to me.

And an irish answer Sweet Drinker: I play in a small country with a much larger hostile neighbour.
Though this gives me tactical disadvantages, I think it gives a much more interesting game experience.

This game doesn't have a 'win'

But I play toward making my little country stronger than it's rival. That' difficult, and it makes erep challenging.
If my nation becomes stronger than the nation that wants to occupy us:
That's my 'win'.

A 'taz answer comming from chewytaz: I am currently really playing because it draws me in (despite the fact that most of the time I have to do other work),
Fighting daily and saving up those bazookas (I've got 85 planning to save up around 200 or so, to do around 10 million damage).
Make a bit of a profit and build it up slowly to expand my land, go on party forums and increase my post count (I'm almost 200 posts over the next guy )
I send out messages to newer players asking them if they need help, I find this is what I spend most of my time doing. Explaining stuff, sending them a bit of food etc.

From Zina80 we have: This game is filtered in my country for quite some time now so even logging in is quite a challenge every day & the feeling of beating the system with vpn & proxies is satisfying to begin with. I love the military part of the game although it has changed a lot. The never ending dramas & tantrums & basically the soap opera that we are all somehow involved with is quite amusing. I read most of the articles and have become a fan of some of the awesome writers in this game. The social part & the friends that i have also is quite an experience. How in the real world can I find so many friends from all over the world? When u live in a dictatorship that everything fun is banned, being involved in a game like this is something that I enjoy & appreciate. And i practice my English as well which is a blessing ))

Bengeri like boobies, it's obvious: I like boobies, boobies in articles, boobies on profile pictures... ^ giving tanks for picture of her boobies...

And egad has had many different goals: I change my goals often. First it was the Media Mogul medal, then to be a congressman, first BH medal, to organize a RW with friends and liberate a region for our ally, mercenary medal, to be an ambassador, ... Now I'm preparing for my first CH medal. When I achieve my goal or just get bored trying I found something new that I want.

Now, the last one, a greek one answer pagalidis: SUB No 106
Is this a motivation for you?
I play for no reason, just play. silly, isnt it?
Maybe I'll be here the day that we will not have that headless chicken. (really do you believe that? No more chickens?)

p.s. No subs was my motivation for the article. Maybe it was the need to find my own motivation.

So, these were your answers. Now, free to vote which you like it and consider to be more interesting.

Good luck to all.