Let's Talk, UIP.

Day 934, 03:09 Published in USA USA by Chris Shnitzel

No really, take a seat. Unless you've been living under the proverbial two-clicking rock, you've probably noticed some interesting things with the current PP election. One of those things is that we actually have four candidates that have declared their willingness to take the position. That's two more than last month and three more than two months ago. That's great. It goes to show that we are definitely improving in a multitude of ways. I'm not so proud of the flak being shot, though. Even if you are an active UIP member you may still be wondering who two of the candidates actually are.

Pig Disgusting...

First there's chickensguys . The first time I even noticed him was when he declared his candidacy out of the blue. His original article has since been deleted. In one article by the name of "responding," chickensguys makes it obvious that he does not understand how running for Party President will not necessarily allow him "to lobby for you and every other person in our nation." May I suggest running for congress? Although he may wanna bring out the grammar book first.

Second happens to be George Pumpkinette. While announcing his bid for the Party President position, he mentioned at the end of the article that he was going to, and I quote, "save the UIP from it's present leadership." Need I mentioned that he also asked Pizza the Hut, also known as Ajay, to be his campaign manager. Do I even need to explain what is wrong with that? The UIP's "present leadership" is undoubtedly my cabinet and I. I take that very personally. Mainly because I hand-picked almost everyone that is working on the cabinet to further the UIP's reach and goals. What is his vision for the UIP? He hasn't really made that clear, now has he? Another red flag is that he is completely unaware of the dangers of working with Pizza the Hut. That's a great way to ruin any credibility you might have. In his next article, entitled "Pumpkinette For PP OF UIP," he says that although he asked Pizza the Hut to be his campaign manager, he did not expect any involvement. Is that not mutually exclusive? George also fails to realize that being a "liberal" has nothing to do with eUSA politics. Upon more research you'll find that George actually started out in the UIP but "rage" quit it because we could not guarantee that he would be able to run in his RL state of Virginia. This clearly shows that he is, quite frankly, ignorant and unwilling to compromise. He also displays little knowledge of game mechanics and the differences between real life and eRepublik. As the icing on the cake, it's no secret that he is at odds with most of the members of the party that he is trying to "save."

Previously thought to be unpossible.

UIP, I'm going to ask something of you. Not only as your current Party President, but as your friend. Consider the other two, very qualified, candidates. I'm talking about Pikezh638 and Herr Nicholas. Both of these men have what it takes to lead a party and lead it well. They understand what this game is all about, and most importantly what the UIP is all about. They really have your best interests at heart. I encourage you to read up on what Pike and Nick have to bring to the table in their platforms. I'm not afraid to generalize that most of my party is with me on this. These are two dedicated guys who are gonna do what it takes. Unfortunately, I cannot bring myself to say the same for the other two candidates. Maybe after they familiarize themselves with eRepublik and the UIP, they will become more solid candidates.

Keep it classy. Keep it fun. Hell yeah, UIP.