Lefty from Mulberry St - The Future of the eUS

Day 1,216, 13:41 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

I hereby announce my intention to run for PotUS. Anyone who knows me at all in this game knows me as, lets say, different. My Platform for PotUS will be no different.

Why Lefty for PotUS is the future of the eUS:
I banged my sister-in-law
Can you say that? No. Need proof, ask PrudeJ630, thats my wife.
I drive a 2500 GMC Pick-up Truck
Do you want a president that drives a rice burner? My mobility is driven by gas guzzling, American style power.
I grill steaks and cheeseburgers in the winter time.
Why, cuz it tastes better, there is very little that is more American than cooking huge slabs of meat on a charcoal grill. I have no clue what tofu tastes like nor have I ever consumed a boca burger.

What defines an eNation?
Population, resources, caliber of players/citizens, regions and military strength/efficiency. It is not fair for the eUS and it's allies to not have a strangle hold on resources. not some resources, or most resources, but all resources. I seek to begin the process of facilitating this policy. I like the concept of SUPER NATIONS, spanning across continents, seas and hemispheres.

What about JCS?
I don't pretend to be an expert in the happenings and history of this or any browser games, luckily for us (eUS) others don't feel that way. As PotUS I will be more than happy to work with JCS, strategy experts.

In Game Experience
I have served as in the eUS cabinet twice and as DSoI once and am no outsider when it comes to forums and IRC. I do not frequent IRC as much as I have in the past, due to having a life.

My Cabinet
Yet to be decided. I am accepting applications.

A final word
This is who Lefty is, this is what I have planned. Vote for me on this basis, it is what it is.

INCI Translation-
This part got me a famous point, I assume. So no translation is available.