Left splits vote - IUP regains mojo: Presidential Coverage

Day 533, 04:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

The Irish Union Party have won the presidential elections, beating two mainstream left-leaning candidates Kiemar and CloudGT4 as well as lurker Thomas Oliver of the tiny Irish Party.

Nithraldur will be known to most players as the Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann, and February's President. Last time Nithraldur was elected he also saw off competition from a split left as 5n4keyes and Kiemar between them achieved 73 votes to his 52.

This month, though, Nithraldur won a convincing 47% of votes cast with turnout at around 40%.

The campaign left a stale taste in many mouths as within hours of the ISRP announcing Kiemar as their candidate, patton began picking apart their manifestos and endorsements in the press, followed by several highly aggressive articles attacking Kiemar directly, as well as the ISRP membership in general.

While, in fairness, the ISRP did rise to the bait on occasion, Severin and Nithraldur cannot be held unaccountable for the actions of their supporters. Neither voiced any disagreement or censure of their attack-dogs.

I am not interested in replaying this whole sorry affair once again but merely hope that the next Presidential elections will be a less acrimonious affair, and I call on everyone to understand that mud-slinging is an ill wind that blows no-one good.

Congratulations, without reservation, to Nithraldur and his Tánaiste Severin.

Total poll: 234, c. 40%

1. Nithraldur (Severin) - Irish Union Party - 110 (47😵
2. Kiemar (Sean Greene) - ISRP - 84 (36😵
3. CloudGT4 (no running-mate) - Irish Freedom Party - 23 (10😵
4. Thomas Oliver (no running-mate) - The Irish Party - 17 (7😵