Lecturi de seara

Day 1,095, 07:28 Published in Romania Romania by Gray

Irelevante pentru multi, relevante pentru altii. de aia o sa apelez la vechiul [antic si de demult] drept la spam [vechi ca e din prin Beta] anual [si nu saptamanal].

Dar cum eRep e inca (si) un canal de comunicare, vin si doua recomandari la "scurte" lecturi de seara 🙂.

1st:"The Romanians emerged from a world of horror, some of it of their own making. They fear themselves perhaps more than they fear others. For them, becoming European is both a form of therapy and something that will restrain the demons within and without. When you live with bad memories, you live with the shadows of reality. For the Romanians, illusory solutions to haunting memories make a great deal of sense."


2nd": "This is not to say that Moldova cannot evolve a sense of nationhood and identity. But such things take a long time to create and rarely emerge peacefully. In the meantime, powerful forces on all sides might make the creation of a Moldovan nation difficult if not impossible. This may well be a case of a state that could forge a nation if it were a member of the European Union and NATO, but the European Union is dealing with Ireland, and NATO has no appetite to confront Russia. This will be up to the Moldovans. It is not clear to me how much time history will give them to reach a consensus."
