Leadership on new shoulders,

Day 868, 10:41 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Hammas Amer

Day 868 of the New World, April the 6th -
As all of you, citizens of Pakistan, might have heard or expected. We have a new man on the hot-seat, a new person to lead ePakistan for the upcoming 30 days.

[Official Report]
Day 867, 00:00 (erepublik time); The future, fate and fidelity of Pakistan was put onto the hands of a new man; the man - Ahsan Shahbaz. Now the President of ePakistan, who won over rival - AgentChieftain.
Mr Shahbaz was informed about his victory early this day and wept tears of joy.
The Official/Final results of the election - 54 to Ahsan, 49 to AgentChieftain.
Some call it a landslide but Ahsan Shahbaz regards, quite confidently, as being a 'close-one'.

Day 868, 6:30 - The Official Oath was taken by Mr. Shahbaz. His predecessor and e😜resident, Pak_Land, was there to attend the ceremony too.
After the 4 hours of the inaugural, Mr. President had this to say -

"I would like to thank all those who voted for me , believed in me and trusted me to take pakistan forward for the next 1 Month. I will try to perform my Job as President with Honesty and Integrity. I hope I can do better for the country and it's people."

The Nation celebrated Mr. Shahbaz's Victory with colors, fireworks and sweets. Punjab seemed to triumph the most on this glorious occasion, as streets were jammed packed with hundreds of people, and the crowd chanting one name "Ahsan Shahbaz, Ahsan Shahbaz", with the 'Pro Pakistani' party's flags hanging on the corners of every other street.

The nation awaits the President's Address, and if any amendments, changes in administration and development announcements.

- Pro Pakistani supporters, early this morning in Peshawar (NWFP)


- Citizens dance off to Ahsan Shahbaz's Victory in Islamabad (Punjab)

- People gather in Karachi to cheer over the Victory of Mr. Shahbaz
