Le bugie della Turchia e le sue minacce all'Italia English Translation also

Day 456, 06:30 Published in Italy Japan by Principe Alessandro

Una nuova RW è scoppiata nella regione greca delle Isole Egee supportata dai Teocratici e un'altra in una regione Israeliana ad opera di Benn Dover e quindi senza tanti giri di parole degli USA e di ATLANTIS.
Ora vi consiglio di leggervi questi articoli per avere un quadro della situazione precedente con i relativi commenti:
Questo l'ottimo articolo di mappina nel quale ci spiega in dettaglio i motivi dei disaccordi e della decisione successiva Turca di lasciare PEACE.

Qua un'articolo di BattalGazi:
But this mean is not we dont speak any of them.Some of them (which are not part of this reason of we leave) still our friends we will be inside good diplomacy with them.

In parole povere vuol dire che nonostante abbiano lasciato l'alleanza rimarranno in buoni rapporti con alcune nazioni che sono ancora amiche secondo loro il che vuol dire in parole povere che rimmarranno rapporti preferenziali con l'Iran.
Al che si spiega come mai certi elementi Iraniani si siano visti tra i combattenti turchi.

Ora non sto a portarvi tutti quanti gli articoli ufficiali del Governo e dell'esercito che spiegavano in dettaglio che la RW in Grecia non era assolutamente supportata e che coloro che combattevano erano in gran parte teocratici o privati cittadini che agivano a nome loro, d'altronde allora dovremmo accusare anche l'Iran di non rispettare la neutralità perchè alcuni iraniani combattono attualmente nelle fila dell'esercito turco? Non mi sembra che nessuno abbia sollevato la questione.

Invece cosa fanno i Turchi? Bè andate a leggervi l'articolo del Presidente Turco:

Da qui estraggo la versione inglese:

To Italian Presidency,
Your Italian citizens behaviours during Resistance Wars against Turkey makes our country angered about Italy.
Your citizens, especially starting RW in Greece region now and past, could never be forgotten by Turkish Administration. And our country has no excuse for this situation.
Turkish National Assembly has decided to warn you ,on behalf of Italy, about this case by proposal accepted by our congressman.
Please stop this hostile acts against our country!
Leaving an alliance does not mean leaving the peace and friendship.
You can check the PEACE GC Charter the link above.

"Article IV – Restrictions and Special Provisions
Clause VIII – Restrictions on Member Nations
IV. Member Nations shall not interfere with the internal affairs of fellow Members."
You may know that Peace Security Council members (esp. Italy and Austria) interfered Turkish Internal Affairs and this is the reason of leaving alliance.

Although Turkish and Italian companies has economical bond between each other. They buy and sell most of things between each other.

If you couldn't stop this act, our country will make Italy responsible for these situations and think this as an assault of Italy.

It's clear that this acts can be a reason of War and our government will take precautions for your stance including declaring war, trading ambargoes etc.

In the name of Turkish Government
Turkish President

Peccato che il presidente Turco si è dimenticato che la questione Greca fu presa a carico dall'intera PEACE e che la Turchia doveva rispettare le decisioni prese dall'alleanza quindi la questione greca non rientrava affatto in quei articoli. Per di più la Turchia ora non è più un membro di PEACE invece la Grecia anche se occupata non dovrebbe ancora esserne fuori.

Inoltre le sue minacce di esplicito attacco all'Italia ritenuta responsabile sono gravissime e devono essere discusse all'interno della stessa alleanza.

Questa è una ragione in più per condannare la Turchia, per chiedere che le regioni Greche vengano liberate.

Se poi vogliono andare avanti così e intendano dare seguito alle loro minacce li aspettiamo pronti per farli la festa se pensano che abbiamo paura di loro e che con le minacce possano ottenere qualcosa si sbagliano di grosso.
Spero che l'Italia e PEACE in solidarietà di un suo membro prendano misure adeguate per parare il colpo a queste minacce.

Intanto se Grecia e Israele dovessero riguadagnare l'indipendenza dovremmo esserne felici dato che i Turchi con il loro comportamento senza rispetto verso l'alleanza se la sono meritata questa situazione.


The RW that began in the Greek Aegean Islands is supported by the theocratic and the other in the Israeli region started by Benn Dover and supported U.S. and ATLANTIS.
Now I would advise you to read these articles to get a picture of the situation with the previous comments:
This excellent article wrote by mappina explain in detail the reasons for the disagreement and the subsequent decision to leave PEACE by Turkey.

BattalGazi in his article here:
But this is not mean we dont speak any of them.Some of them (which are not part of this reason of we leave) still our friends we will be good inside diplomacy with them.

In simple terms it means that despite having left the alliance will remain in good relations with some nations that are still friends in their feelings which means in simple terms that Iran remain a good ally.
ANd that explain why some Iranian elements have been seen among the Turkish fighters.

Now I am not to bring all those articles of italian official government and italian army that explained in detail that the RW in Greece was in no way supported and those that were fought largely theocratic or individuals acting on their behalf, moreover we should also accuse Iran of not respecting the neutrality because some Iranians currently fighting in the ranks of the army turkish? I do not believe that nobody has raised the question.

Instead what do the Turks? Well go read the article in the Turkish President:

From there extract the English version:

To Italian Presidency,
Your Italian citizens during behaviors Resistance Wars against Turkey makes our country Angered about Italy.
Your citizens, especially in Greece starting RW region now and past, could never be forgotten by Turkish Administration. And our country has no excuse for this situation.
Turkish National Assembly has decided to warn you, on behalf of Italy, about this case by proposal accepted by our congressman.
Please stop this hostile acts against our country!
Leaving an alliance does not mean leaving the peace and friendship.
You can check the PEACE GC Charter the link above.

"Article IV - Special Provisions and Restrictions
Clause VIII - Restrictions on Member Nations
IV. Member Nations shall not interfere with the internal affairs of fellow Members. "
You may know that Peace Security Council members (esp. Italy and Austria) interfered Turkish Internal Affairs and this is the reason of leaving alliance.

Although Turkish and Italian companies has economical bond between each other. They buy and sell most of things between each other.

If you could not stop this act, our country will make Australia responsible for these situations and think this as an assault of Italy.

It's clear that this acts can be a reason of War and our government will take precautions for your stance including declaring war, trading ambargoes etc.

In the name of Turkish Government
Turkish President

Unfortunately the Turkish president has forgotten that the Greek question was taken over through the PEACE and that Turkey should respect the decisions taken the Greek question did not fall under those rules of the PEACE charter because from the beginning they were a PEACE affair. In addition, Turkey is no longer a member of the Peace instead occupied Greece even though is occupied by Turkey is again now a PEACE member.

In addition to its explicit threats of attack are liable to very serious and should be discussed within the alliance.

This is one more reason to condemn Turkey, demanding that the Greek regions are released.

If we want to go on like this and wish to proceed with their threats they are thought to make them ready for the party if they think we scared them and that the threats to obtain something is wrong.
I hope that Italy and Peace in a solidarity of its members to take appropriate measures to parry the blow to those threats.

Meanwhile, if Greece and Israel were to regain the independence we should be happy because the Turks with their behavior with no respect to the alliance is which they deserved.