Laying the Foundation for a Political Party

Day 695, 12:25 Published in USA USA by Gnaeus Progenitor

"The shifts of Fortune test the reliability of friends." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

This strategy game is, obviously, not like the real world. However, many who participate in eRepublik seem to bring with them their own opinions and preconceived notions of how a society should be, rather than examining the game for what it is. This game requires the participant start with fresh eyes when starting out in this eWorld. eRpublik is not about being conservative or liberal, it is not about how high taxes should or should not be, this game is about war and survival. The preservation of one's nation is the utmost importance. Second to that is the search for power, for one's self and one's country (whichever one he/she chooses). This is a strategy game, not Blackjack - people have the power to control the cards in which they are dealt.

It is with these ideas in mind that I will seek to create a new party. This party will uphold the ideas of the preservation of territorial holdings with the aim of acquiring new ones, as well. War is a necessity in this game; and this party will seek forge alliances and fight off any threat to our nation. The party would favor moderation at home when it comes to taxes, and other issues. The main focus will be defense and encouraging battle participation. Finally I would like to see the smaller countries in this game given a helping hand - South Africa, South Korea, Croatia, et cetera. The party will also encourage the government to keep the alliances that we have had throughout time. The best friends are the often the ones we have had for the longest.

Hoc est bellum.