Lawrence of Arabia ( Moldova )

Day 1,080, 04:00 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by googoodoll

Coloana sonora :

Maine sunt alegerile . Pamarand candideaza, in sfarsit. De multa vreme consider ca e cel mai potrivit pentru functia respectiva si desi sunt subiectiva (imposibil sa fiu altfel),cred ca marea majoritate a moldovenilor sunt de acord cu mine. Are o minte ascutita si spirit analitic, e organizat si are idei clare despre posibilitatile de dezvoltare ale Moldovei. Scepticii se vor convinge cat de curand , fiindca e un invingator.
Pmarand, sunt sigura ca vei castiga, ceea ce pot sa sper e ca va fi cu majoritate zdrobitoare.
Prieteni, votati pentru binele Moldovei, e un joc, e adevarat, dar una e sa joci in anume conditii, mai putin bune, si alta in conditii optime.
Filmul de azi e saga unui invingator, paralela mi s-a parut adecvata.
Replicile se vor plia pe cativa dintre noi, scuze celor ce nu se vor regasi, mai am multe filme in maneca D. Prima e pentru noi toti.

T.E. Lawrence: There's no time to waste, then, is there?

T.E. Lawrence: I cannot fiddle but I can make a great state of a small city.

Omae :
General Allenby: What then?
T.E. Lawrence: I enjoyed it.

General Allenby: I thought I was a hard man, sir.
Prince Feisal: You are merely a general. I must be a king.

T.E. Lawrence: No, something else.
General Allenby: Well, then let it be a lesson.
T.E. Lawrence: No... something else.

Prince Feisal: What no man can provide, Mr. Lawrence. We need a miracle.

Clonemasters :
General Murray: I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered or just half-witted.

Alter Dio:
Sherif Ali: What is your name?
T.E. Lawrence: My name is for my friends. None of my friends is a murderer!

Konnarcis3,Doktoru &Printul Manuel:
Mr. Dryden: A man who tells lies, like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it.

Sherif Ali: Truly, for some men nothing is written unless THEY write it.

Simon Santo:
General Allenby: Not my business. Thank God I'm a soldier.

T.E. Lawrence: Time to be great again, my lord.

T.E. Lawrence: The best of them won't come for money; they'll come for me.

Alcide :
T.E. Lawrence: I know I'm not ordinary.
General Allenby: That's not what I'm saying...
T.E. Lawrence: All right! I'm extraordinary! What of it?

Lady Indra:
T.E. Lawrence: I told you! I just want my ration of common humanity.

Radu Pangaiu :
Jackson Bentley: Ow, you rotten man... here, let me take your rotten bloody picture... for the rotten bloody newspapers.

The Form :
Prince Feisal: Do you know General Allenby?
Jackson Bentley: Watch out for Allenby. He's a slim customer.
Prince Feisal: Excuse me?
Jackson Bentley: A clever man.
Prince Feisal: Slim customer. It's very good... I'll certainly watch out for him. you're being very sympathetic Mr. Bentley.

Crizatilor din eMoldova :
T.E. Lawrence: You're an ignorant man.

Pentru cineva special( sper sa iti placa si asta):

P.S. Celor ce isi imagineaza ca descopera cine e “cineva special”, precizez ca e diferit de la articol la articol si se va recunoaste dupa micile indicii 😃