law proposal: Nuevos impuestos de comida

Day 651, 19:47 Published in Mexico Mexico by kikin

Por favor candidatos pasen al foro y lean el los diferentes puntos de vista, si necesitamos una nueva ley de impuestos como lo mencione en los comments de otro articulo pero no la anterior, creo que esta nos ayudara a mantener los precios bajos y al mismo tiempo no perjudicar a los empresarios mexicanos,

recuerden no ejercer su voto sin antes analizar bien las propuesta,

en otro orden de ideas, felicidades al congreso que de 41 votos posibles para votar una ley se contabilizaron 40, si tomamos en cuenta que uno renuncio al congreso y tal ves no voto antes de hacerlo, creo que el resultado de participación seria de 100% se le esta echando ganas en esta administración y veo eso como una muy buena senial

aquí abajo el por que si y el por que apoyar los impuestos no tan altos en el congreso,(los posteo aquí por que algunos son solo residentes y quieren enterarse de la noticia), saludos

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if you see the the images below they are self explanatory

if u are 0 skill in order to not lose wellness every day when work and train you need q2 food

if u are 0 skill work for a q1 company u will lose 1 wellness plus 1 train, and u consume q1 food that means you are loosing 1 wellness everyday,

if u are 1 skill there are only offers from q2 companies in the job market, that means that u need at least q3 food in order to not loose wellness everyday,

if compared food price-wages a new player will not have money to save at all in some cases is gona have to consume q1 food and loose wellness everyday, which also means lower production in their companies

of course there are war games and u can use it to increase wellness, but not all of the regions on eMexico have a hospital and new players don't know that, and are likely to be born in their real life region where they are no gonna be able to go to wargames

if we approved this law, Mexican company owners wont have any real competitors, and they will find any excuse to raise the price, we have some of the lowest wages en eWorld, new citizens have a hard time living day trough day and are barely saving money if they save any at all, other countries use the government school/companies to lower the food price but looks like in mexico our president don't like to do it, so the only way we can make sure to have a fair food price is with outside competition

pd. im partido verde same as scip, but i do not share his opinion in this matter