Latvia don't want a war with Estonia!

Day 1,149, 14:27 Published in Latvia Latvia by Trieciennieks

Latviski lasošajiem: rakstā skaidrota eLatvijas sabiedrības nostāja jautājumā par karu ar eIgauniju.

As you already know one of Latvian congressman - Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps (KKK) - has proposed to declare Estonia as a "natural enemy" of Latvia: REJECTED!

It's no surprise the Estonians answered with contra-proposal a few hours later: REJECTED!

Dear Estonians. I want to say that KKK my be one of the most famous Latvians here, but in this situation he doesn't represent nor the will of eLatvian society as a whole, nor the will of the Latvian government which has already condemned the provocative proposal of the KKK. The Latvian government will not back any offensive against Estonia even if the proposal of the KKK will pass the Latvian Congress. Considering it has to get 66% of the votes of the congressmen, I doubt it will happen.

The Latvian society is split on the issue whether to consider Estonia and Lithuania as the enemies of Latvia or the other way round - to make the Baltic Union with Estonians and Lithuanians (considering the extremely friendly RL relations). The idea of the Baltic Union is getting more and more support in the Latvian society (as in the Lithuania) and the last decision of eRep Admins to make border between Kurzeme (Latvia) and Gotland (Sweden) has only strengthened this position. Only the old warmongers like KKK are sustaining the aggressive rhetoric against Estonians and Lithuanians. It's a pity they still has some support in the Latvian Congress. Fortunately it can't be said about the Latvian government.

I'm making no secret - I was one of the warmongers too 8 months ago when Latvia attacked Estonia at first. Then it was in the interests of Latvia to get out of the apathy of PHOENIX over-security, but the conditions has changed since then - now it is on the best interests of Latvia to rise from the ashes the old brotherhood of three Baltic states and act like fingers of one strong fist. The Baltic Union must born! Together we could invade Scandinavia or Belarus if we would want. It's only a matter of will and commitment.

Hail Latvia!
Hail Estonia!
Hail Lithuania!


/ former eLatvian minister of War Trieciennieks

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Latvia don't want a war with Estonia!
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