Late Start

Day 823, 15:49 Published in USA USA by LordBryant

Well, today i get back into the saddle of writing my papers. In the time that I have been neglecting my journalistic duties, multiple things have happened in the eRep World. New POTUS, new EDEN commanders and leaders, and the long awaited V2 of eRepublik is still nowhere to been seen, but we can hear it coming.

King Kitty, AKA Josh Frost, has been elected, yet again, as the POTUS (President of the United States) with Max McFarland 2 as his VP. First off, I would like to congratulate them on their successful campaign. PigInZin had a great campaign as well, but the combined awesomeness of McFarland and Frost just outdid him in the election runs. I salute these candidates because of their will to try to make the eUSA a better place.

EDEN now has some new commanders and leaders. These players come from all around EDEN, and will hopefully prove that the new can be as good as the experienced.

The admins of eRep have let out yes another newpaper about V2's details and info. These changes include everything from new battle configurations to different resources. We can only imagine how different this new game will be, and how more serious it can make our current players, or how much the new things will cost us in the terms of gaming aspects and bonuses.

This has been a short presentation from LordBryant of the Gulfport Chronicles. Tune in next time!