Late but not out.

Day 1,877, 14:20 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by SakiNight
Hello~ I would like to start out by apologizing for not writing anything in awhile.

I just haven't had anything to write about, since i sadly don't follow most of the politics that much, which sounds pretty bad, being a party and all. So i just wanted to stretch out and ask all of you.

I would like to become more successful in both politics and writing to my readers. So do you have any useful tips or anything that might help along? I would appreciate some advice since i've never really learned how to do anything on here~ ^.^'

On with the article~
As i've stated before i'm all about the beauty of this wonderful country and urge to see it whole again. while that is my primary goal, it is true that we need to work together not just in one party but all of the parties and military units to get foreign people who only desire to destroy us from the inside and take what is ours. But to allow those who desire to see our country blossom once more from being treated badly, The immigration policies are confusing from what i've heard, and i've never actually seen how the National government works. But we have to find a way to weed out the threat even, sadly, if it means we accidentally start a war with their home countries.

It would be a bad alternative since, we are in a somewhat weakened state, but it would end worse if we let them take our central power from us.

"Together as one, even when separate"~

~Otaku Force Party