Labour's Army

Day 1,323, 14:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Hello Citizens of Ireland!

Right now Ireland has a plethora of MU's, or military units. I am proud to be a member of three of them, IA, ICA, and LA. This article is directed mainly at members of Labour's Army.

Right now LA's unit is in a bit of a pickle. Lucky Slevin, our leader, has been permanently banned, so we are unable to get out orders. Our second in command, Danilo Garcia, has had a lot of trouble getting online, and if he does, it is only for a little time. Kurdt Fradenburg has been chosen as de facto leader. At first I was upset at this. Then I realized that, although I wanted to be leader, being a member of 3 MU's was working against me. I could not devote my full time to the role, so it is a good thing Kurdt is in charge. In addition to be fully devoted to LA, he also stays up to ungodly times in the morning to talk to people on IRC. After a short bit of sulking on my part, I fully support Kurdt as de facto leader.

Today, Labour's Army under took a fight against Ireland's age old enemy. Britain. Denmark was under attack, and we decided to have some fun killing brits. In the battle, I noticed this:

Battle 5:

Bigger picture
Patrick O'Leary (Me) 4th in the rankings

Battle 6:

Bigger picture
F_Castro taking 5th in the rankings
Battle 8:

Bigger picture
Winston Hope Smith taking 3rd in the rankings

A lot more members fought, and did Labour's Army, ILP, and Ireland proud. As you can see, LA is a force to be reckoned with, and although UK won, the fight is never over.

Patrick O'Leary
P.S. Help Ireland and her allies! Contact Chance Harrison to join IA or Kurdt Fradenburg to join LA.