La unica explicacion (Editado) esp/eng

Day 1,074, 03:49 Published in Spain Spain by saik
English below

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Como ya sabreis por la ingente cantidad de articulos a los que me uno para formar parte de la manada, los admins estan cafeteando cosa rica en parte gracias a los leuros que les han llegado este mes y que les han permitido comprarse la cafetera mas molona del mercado, si la del anuncio de George Clooney.

Ayer ya se reporto masivamente la batalla ilegal de Castilla y Leon y para continuar con la tradición comenzada ayer, hoy reportaremos las batallas de Asturias y Madrid.

Solo teneis que copiar este texto y pegarlo en el ticket.


Los admins han respondido a los tickets:

Unfortunately, the problem is not according to the rules but it was a display problem. When a lot of actions takes place in the same time, the exact hour displayed on the site could mess up. In the data base, the attack started with a few second before the resistance war and that's why this mess took place.

We cannot close the battle as we did in other cases because this time, in the data base, everything is perfectly legal.

So, we wish you good luck during the battles and let us know if any other strange thing will appear in the future.


Sentimos las molestias, pero cuando varios sucesos suceden (valga la redundancia) los datos en la web pueden modificarse por si mismos.

Tras las sucesivas comprobaciones de nuestra cuenta bancaria, los datos son correctos y por lo tanto no podemos cerrar las batallas al no inflingir ninguna regla.

Entonces, los datos de la web se modifican solos porque la web y la base de datos no estan conectadas? o.O

La id de la RW es anterior a la batalla de CyL, alguien me puede comentar si ha visto que alguna vez una base de datos se salte por que si un identificador para darle al posterior evento el numero del evento anterior.

Rw la Rioja: I😛 1776
CyL: I😛 1777

1777 > 1776
Visa > Maths

The battles of Asturias and Madrid are ilegal according to erepublik Laws.

Please help us to make this game fair. Copy this text & send a ticket.



Admin answer

Unfortunately, the problem is not according to the rules but it was a display problem. When a lot of actions takes place in the same time, the exact hour displayed on the site could mess up. In the data base, the attack started with a few second before the resistance war and that's why this mess took place.

We cannot close the battle as we did in other cases because this time, in the data base, everything is perfectly legal.

So, we wish you good luck during the battles and let us know if any other strange thing will appear in the future.

Ok, So the web isnt linked to the database??? And events can change according to random events?? o.O

ID for La Rioja's battle is 1776
ID for Castilla y Leon's battle was 1777, as it's an autoincrement value, it was inserted AFTER 1776, it's impossible that 1777 could be inserted before 1776, as the autoincrement value is updated every time a record is inserted, 1776 was inserted before .

1777 > 1776
Visa > Maths

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