La Resistance is here!

Day 1,681, 14:35 Published in Canada Canada by Niko Snow

Greetings Canadians,

The AFK Party of Canada has decided to undergo a name change for the duration of our current goals.

In the question of whether to form a coalition of any sort, the party responded, and the only viable option is to say no to all current offers of coalition.

For the month of July 2012:
EPIC-AFK is a no. CPF-AFK is a no. MDP-NFP-AFK is a no.

These three parties have all demonstrated that they are not yet prepared to give up the Orders of Congress in their Forum fortress of solitude, and to raise the efficiency and openness of Canadian politics by bringing our political debates back to eRepublik

If these parties wish to change the mind of our constituents, they will have to show that they are prepared to behave with our interests in mind as well, and not simply with their own as they have before.

In my first act as a Congressman, I put in my two proposals immediately, both of which were benign, both of which were meant to serve as a test for the other parties. They failed miserably.

Rather than showing good will towards our party and it's members as they were deciding who to join in coalition with, the vote was struck down without any discussion taking place in eRepublik proper.

Rather than showing an interest in the reasons behind this proposal, and clicking on the Debate links I had provided, no debate was held at all.

The official response of the MDP was that in failing to message them for permission first, they voted it down.

The official response of the CPF was that in failing to propose first on the forums, and allowing that proposal to simmer for an additional 24 hours, they voted it down. They have already proposed a motion to punish me by banning me from these forums, which I bear little interest in anymore, apart from the amusement of watching those who enslave and torture themselves within.

The response by a few long-standing Congressmen was "Nobody clicks on debate links."

Ask yourselves...
Is this any way to run a democracy? Where proposals need permission.
Where debates are held away from public attention in eRepublik?
Where closed door congress allows Congressmen to hide eachothers mistakes?
Is this truly why we take part in a great Republik?

You will hear many stories and fabrications over the course of the next few weeks.

You will be told by some that the Forums are an absolute necessity.
This is a lie: The forums serve only to "benefit" those who take part within. The goal of the forums was to bring Canadians together. And it did so nobly, while forums seemed relevant.

But the truth today is far less rosey.
Stress, additional & unnecessary work, bullying, harassment, and general structural inefficiency are not benefits at all. These are the curses of the Forum, and the curses any Congressman hoping to be elected to power will face. The Forums of eCanada have single-handedly served more to divide us than unite us. Many good and able bodied Canadians have left simply because of what was expected of them within their additional roles in these forums. Additional roles which bore little impact on Canadians in eRepublik.

We have been called a great many things by all sides.
EPIC loyalists have called us MDP-NFP lackeys for supporting the President's war doctrine, and yet the MDP-NFP has already shown they are not prepared to support us in Congress without paying tribute to them first.
CPF loyalists have claimed our party as a cult of personality, and yet I have already held not one but two major surveys across the party to base my leadership decisions on.
NDP-NFP loyalists have identified us enemies for not joining them entirely.

This is the state of our Republik,

This is the state of our democratic politics.

And we are La Resistance.

Join us, and dream a dream again.

Sincerely yours,
Tyrael Snow
Lord Commander of the Night's Watch
Founder and President of the AFK
Retired Lieutenant-General of the Canadian Armed Forces
Canadian Minister de Sonitus perpetuo.