L'interview with Monsieur Saberan

Day 1,734, 03:21 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

Guess what? I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview last month's French president, Monsieur Saberan. As a former president, as well as the occupant of various cabinet positions, Monsieur Saberan's experience and wisdom are evident. After discussing multiple topics, I have learned so much about France and its future, and I hope you enjoy reading about the interview as much as I enjoyed interviewing such an intelligent gentleman!

Monsieur Guillontine : Bonjour Monsieur Saberan! It is such le pleasure to interview you.

Saberan : It's very nice to be interviewed.

Monsieur Guillontine : So first, how about giving the Swiss people a little introduction about yourself. You know, just some background info to get the ball rolling.

Saberan : Well, I'm playing eRepublik for more than three years. I've occupied several positions in French governments: MoFA, MinSol (Ministry of Solidarity), CP, and in two alliances: member of Entente's staff and Terra dSG and Terra PR Manager. I've also been congressman and ambassador, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some positions...

Monsieur Guillontine : Well that is quite a long list. You must have a lot of experience in French foreign policy then. So speaking of France's foreign affairs, we all know that Poland is occupying your country. What do you think should be done to achieve a successful liberation. In addition to that, what will France's long-term plans be in regards to foreign policy?

Saberan : It's an intersting question. Last month as you may know, USA, Poland, Brazil and Spain negociated to create a new alliance known as NAP then as CTRL. France could have been included in it, then we'd have been friends with Poland who are ennemies for very long time now. But I didn't want that: if we accepted that, Poland would have continued to occupy some of our regions to reach Rubber in Poitou-Charentes. So for me and my entire government it wasn't an option. And I decided to keep fighting against them, even if they proposed me a plan to have a Congress (but my population refused too with a referendum). Now we have two options: have a peace treaty like Germany and Netherlands, or try to liberate our regions. But the second option can't be done alone: we need support from all TEDEN countries and I know that we won't have until long time (or several attacks on Poland). So the only option is to negotiate and try to reach the best agreement we can, but with Polish officials it won't be easy, because they want to secure their way to rubber...

Monsieur Guillontine : Ah, very interesting. So are you happy with the way your current government is handling the situation? Or would you have done something differently?

Saberan : I have to say: I'm not very happy. After the release of our region which used to be occupied by Slovenia (I started that with a RW in Corsica, then a NE on Slovenia at the end of my mandate), Torfyn and his government did nothing: they could have launched a NE on Macedonia (FYROM) or Spain, but not they were waiting. And Poland decided to launch a NE on France, because I refused their peace agreement... Bullshit! And now we're waiting for a strategy from our government. Of course they tried to launch an airstrike but we lost our last region too late and our government should have anticipated that and launch the airstrike before...

Monsieur Guillontine : Yes, that airstrike seemed ambitious, and it seems as though the French government did not plan ahead of time very well. So aside from France's current war with Poland, what do you think about France's internal situation?

Saberan : With summer, it's not a good period for our country: our press is empty and sucks, we don't have a Congress, it's time to reform our institutions like the army but the government seems a little bit away of that, but well at least we have active military units, and some party politics who are organizing to reactivate our country, and to have a babyboom. But it will be hard, very hard.

Monsieur Guillontine : Well, sounds like France is moving forward, at least. So moving away from that topic, what do you think of Switzerland personally, and what do you think the French people's opinion of Switzerland is?

Saberan : When I was French MoFA in April 2011, I had a lot of contacts with Swiss officials, and I keep contacts with them, and I have to say that some of them are French now and were in my government last month (Becker&co, Julian Anderson, Xavibong & Alain Morisod). And I'd like that France & Switzerland start new relationships even if we're in two different alliances. Switzerland is currently considered as a neutral country for French people, although you invaded us long time ago during French Toast. So yes we can make something better between our two nations.

Monsieur Guillontine : Alright! Well I think that is all that I wanted to ask you. Would you like to say anything else to the Swiss people before we end the interview?

Saberan : I hope that one day our two countries will recover all our respective territories.

Monsieur Guillontine : Merci beacoup for l'interview!

I hope you learned something new after reading this interview. Until next time... au revoir!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Swiss Ambassador to France