L' armée des vampires !

Day 1,254, 11:28 Published in France Romania by anna tolasi

Bonjour , voici une traduction en anglais des changements intervenus dans l' armée Roumaine la semaine dernière , je pense que certains seront intéressés.
Merci a Fremenul pour la traduction.
nb : je sais y a pas d' images ! trollez moi 🙂

We carry our flag in our hearts

Due to our night RW strategy started simultaneously in the ONE countries we managed to maintain ourselves on the map. Once the RO-HU open war has been reopened, the military ping-pong took another shape: one region gained with a resistance war was then lost with a direct attack. This type of game has proved to be very costly.
And so eRomania will be erased from the map again. Once again zero satisfaction for the hungarians cos we won't oppose any resistance.

1.The army
-the wages will disappear
-no one will receive equipment from the state until we will consider ourselves able to bring the entire country on the map
-all the soldiers who are online and have available fights are to present themselves on the #roarmy chat. Once they'll consume their fights the soldiers will leave the chat. The batlle orders will be given exclusively on that chat.
SMS is restored as the main department for consulting, debate and decisions regarding the military situation of Romania along with all adjacent domains of it.

Detachment in Croatia
Starting today, for minimum 7 days, the entire romanian army is detached in Croatia. All soldiers are asked to enter the chat and fill the transfer form and receive tickets from the state.

Every evening at 21:00 hours we gather on #roarmy for a precise evaluation of how many soldiers are ready for the battle. We'll also fight during the day according to the orders coming form EDEN
The main goal of these organised fights is to track how many soldiers take part in the battles. The amount of damage they can do is considered less important.
We encourage the military units to gather weapons (and food if possible)

2. The National Guard
The National Guard represents the military academy and it's purpose is to train the recruits for the Army.
The recruits are part of the romanian army and will join the other units in Croatia. NG will also gather at 21:00 hours on the chat created for them: #ero-gn.

Now, more than ever, NG must be a priority for all of us.
I encourage anyone willing to help to enter the chats and offer assistance and also goods who will be later distributed to the recruits.

3. Logistics
We're starting the "Logistics Academy" campaign . On the chat #logistica it will be explained how to make 3 companies (2 grain and 1 food) to produce yourself some of the food needed for battles. Also you will receive help on how to maintain your companies and for the game mechanics.
The purpouse of The Logistics Academy is to train and inform and you can graduate in 10 minutes.
All graduates will then fill a national form, who will be stored in a data base from which we will evaluate the military potential of the civilians.
We would like all citizens to graduate this academy
The project opens at 18:00 and the main coordinator is alpho.

4. The Civilians

We strongly recommend all civillians who can afford the cost, to temporarily emigrate in any allied country situated nearby (Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria), in order to fight for Eden. Make economies, raise money, don`t hunt for medals .

We can facilitate citizenships for you in high productivity bonused countries . If you are a novice in the military module, The National Guard is waiting for you 24/7 on #ero-gn rizon chat channel , to help you grow up and become a soldier. The recruitments start from level 1 !

Experienced players are expected to join the rest of Romanian Army`s military units.

5. The eliberation plan
During the next week, we will evaluate the soldiers presence ingame, how many of them have graduated The Logistics Academy , the stock amount that military units can gain , the expenses affordable from the state. Moreover, we will maximize the power of Romanian Army by affiliating the non-SMR existing units and by gaining back the romanian tanks.
As soon as we are capable to come back in force on the map and the international military situation permits that , we will take action.
Simultaneously with the release of the first regions , we will start an aggressive campaign of promovating Romania in the mass-media , with articles whom are in preparation.
The 7 days suggested period is only a generic one, it can be shorter , or longer. It all depends on us , to mobilize, to work for a common goal , for eRomania.

6. The flag
eRomania is now in the worst case scenario : wiped from the map by eHungary. We want back on the map, won`t we !? Then we have to look like this :

United under the flag , with YOU in the very hearth of it , marching in the same direction . When i made it , i called it „eRomania`s utopian map” . However it can become a reality ! It`s a true fact that many of them doesn`t play anymore but we can learn from their actions , we can become again the great force that consacreted us.
eRomania does not give up , eRomania is YOU . Together we will revive !

As a bonus , i share some pics from the last meeting here and some more from my database. Thanks to Mihai Ch (GPS) for the true presidencial medal I received . I promise to show myself proudly with the romanian flag , on every opportunity !
You may contact the government team , for any suggestions, ideas or issues , on #cpro channel.

Romanians, stay with us, play smart and we`ll have fun together !

For a healthy life , play eRepublik smiling !
o7 eRomania ! We work in team for the fun of everyone !