Kumnaa's Post Election Update

Day 565, 10:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kumnaa

Well its been almost two days since the election ended and it appears I was the victor. I went to bed at 10 the night before with Jerry slowly pulling away so I was quite suprised to login just after 8 the next day and find a welcome notice announcing my appointment as President (Prime Minister to forum users). I would like to congratulate Jerry who was only a few votes behind and together we manages to break to 1000 voters mark beating the previous record by approaching 200 votes.

I suppose you want to know what I've been up to the last few days so here you go.

• I've appointed the three umbrella ministries to Hassan Pesaran (MoDaFA), John Forseti (MoE) and Rastari (MoDA). They are currently accepting applications to their various under ministries (see the General forums at http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/).

• I've setup a new status site (http://status.erepublik.co.uk/) that will be updated by the ministers to keep the UK informed of current events and lists the ministers.

• Initiated contact with a couple of nations I'd like us to have better relations with.

• I've started discussions about a new, abbreviated welcome message.

• I've answered a million mails.

Thats really about it so far. If anything new and exciting happens I'll release a new article.

Kumnaa (picture shamelessly stolen from Squiddy)

http://forums.erepublik.co.uk - http://status.erepublik.co.uk