Kosovo vote is a big fiasco

Day 1,423, 10:10 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa
I decided to repost this article after it got deleted by the eRepublik administration. I stand by my words and believe they explain the current situation the best they possibly can. You cannot silence an idea or someone's thinking.

Oh, how low have the mighty fallen, although that does not stand for the creators of this game, they have always been sailing low - they do not deserve praises, they do not deserve the profits from this game or anything else that benefits their Swiss bank accounts. The Kosovo vote, as people like to call it, cannot be regarded as a "fair" decision, it can only be regarded as using community to make the final decision that should had been on the hands of admins. When you think of what the consequences of this vote might bring to this game, beside the likely Albanian baby boom and added real life tensions, then you get the full picture. My question would be, how can an American gamer or one from Brazil know the history of Kosovo, they cannot, simple as that. The ultimate decision, if the "heart of Serbia", as the Serbs like to call it, should be added to the game can't be put on our hands. We all have our emotions, sometimes we can't think straight and even if most of the Croatians in real life don't grow any emotions towards the Kosovo area and Albania, in this game they will, you may ask yourself why vote for their independence, because they have common interest in getting rid of Serbian influence and their superior power in the Balkans. This brings us to another topic, this voting will result in allies voting for allies and not individuals voting for what they stand for, we don't need that kind of voting. The other interesting fact is, that you call this "your opinion" about Kosovo and not referendum nor arbitrary decision. That might mean you may do the last call yourselves regardless of the community's decision. Oh, how blinded we are, you suceeded, admins, you created a game full of tensions, real life hatrage. But for what - for money of course, it all runs the show.

Do not worry, admins, money is on its way. If not from Serbs, then it will come from Albanians.

Whenever you want a bigger "community" to express their opinion, you do not give the results away right away, as it may cause frauds and all other kinds of troubles, you did just that. In real life, have you ever been able to vote and then the next minute find out the preliminary results... I thought so. I stand by my opinion that community isn't here to judge if Kosovo is to be added to this game, if you do not know the history of the nation that we are deciding on, how can your opinion be regarded as your true opinion. Who can say, that you didn't vote for independent Kosovo, because you hate Serbia, because you don't like the supremacy against the EDEN trio, no one can prove it, but we all know that is the case.

Never will I be convinced that this vote isn't only seen as another way to get players' attention to this game, to increase the community, to make more money than before. Well, we are still playing by your guidelines and it will stay like that in the future, the eRepublik Rebellion some time ago made you rethink about your strategy and do things slowly without causing too much unhappiness in specific countries, this time being Serbia.

I can only congratulate you, admins. Making a vote, that can be regarded only as "community said so" before adding Kosovo, that will bring you the wanted results. Make Serbs angry, make them spend more real life money and of course get some Albanian players to this game, that possibly sell organs and are rich as shit. Oh, the irony.

I lost my hope a long time ago.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly