Kosovo matter

Day 1,424, 13:55 Published in Serbia Serbia by dragunov87

At the moment the results are 50.2% in favor of Independent and 49.8% in favor of Serbian Region and the total votes are 50k. 0.2% out of 50k is 100 people.

What are the odds that this results would REALLY be THIS CLOSE ?!? And what are the odds that this poll is rigged ?

I don't know about you, but I am not buying this. I think that the majority of players who voted for Region feel that this is the right thing to do while the other guys, the ones that voted for Independent don't really care about the matter. They just hate Serbia for being so powerful and a top player and they just want to stab a knife in it's back.

Also I think that the admins wanted to add an independent Kosovo from the beginning to "spice things up" and add some more challenge and diversity to the game so they decided to "prop" this poll to add the idea of legitimacy to their decision.