Konrad Needs to PP [RB]

Day 2,028, 13:34 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

As many already know that I want to run for PP for the great party of Res Belgica. Just to introduce myself, my resume.

-3x German CP
-6 term German MoFA
-One of the authors for the Phoenix Alliance
-1 term MoFA of eNL
-4 term MoI of eNL
-Personal advisor to Donnie Bronco, Letnix. MachtGeil, Auggy, Garmr and many others' administration
-8 term PP of Open Minded Germany (Germany's largest party)
-4 term PP of Green Liberal Democrats (eNL)
-4 term PP of Iron & Wine (eNL)
-4 term PP of Belgian Community Party
-Belgian Supreme Court Justice
-Creator of the eBE Rulings Book (eBE Judicial Archive)
-and many more...


I think RB is one of the best parties in eBE. It is tradition and history. Our members are sensible and moderate. I seek to continue its proud history of responsible governance. The first thing I would like to enact in RB is what we are already doing in OMG. In OMG, the PP alone does not decide the congress list alone but the current PP as well as the previous 2 PP will rank their order preference. The average is collected and each candidate's position is base on the averages. Please refer to this Google Spreadsheet for reference. I believe this is a more democratic and transparent way of governance in which this google spreadsheet will be published on each 24th of the month. I would desire to see this policy continue after my term as PP.

For congress elections, I would also enact a police of a sign in sheet. Members who sign up will get preference over those who do not sign up. I believe that the party should encourage forum and IRC activity as possible. I believe this game is base on the community and the community exist most in the forum and IRC. That is why I believe in showing preferred preference to forum and IRC users.

I believe we should continue to work with ATO, Union Unie, and others to combat the open boundary set by HOPE/PANDA. It matters not that we are the largest party in the eBE community or not, but we should work together against trouble makers who are bent on destroying our community that we work hard to build. So I care not about personal party gains. I think the stakes are high and that we should look at the long term. If it is better for the overall community to aid a coalition partner, so be it.

I am not an expert on running an MU/ newbie aid. I do support aiding new players when it is possible. I am not against the RB's aid support for the new members of our community and will encourage the continuation of this program. I will leave it to someone like MaryamQ, el1temkd, and others who are much more better at this than I am.

My beliefs on governance

In the end, being PP is not about being the boss. I believe being PP, CP etc is a managerial role and nothing more. With that said, I would like to see more activity in the forums. There will be a congress sign up like I said. Any communication from other parties will be posted in our forum. Any decisions that needs to be made will be discussed and voted on in the forums. My job if elected is to max our/ community's benefit and to rely information to/ from our members.

Lastly, I will not insult your intelligent with random pictures of naked women or stupid and meaningless rhetoric. I will only engage in intelligent and rational discussion backed up with facts and proper substance base debates/ discussions. Anything less is an insult to your intelligence and a waste of our time.

Thank you and