Know your Enemy!

Day 1,313, 18:02 Published in Norway Norway by MrManiac

Fellow eNorwegians,

for those of you who have not seen it yet: we are occupied at the moment!

So following the principle "Know your enemy" this article will be an educational article about our current occupiers: the Lithuanians.

1. Ingame Facts

It is a well known fact that the alliance ABC is a pact of the following three monstrous atrocities:

The Frost Giants

The Orcs

And the ...err... Gollums

Our intel on this is still quite vague and we cannot really tell which of those actually are our Lithuanian opponents - but maybe with the help of this article some insider will reveal this secret to us.

2. RL Facts

Facts and Figures:

Now let us get away from the game for some time.

Lithuania is a country on the Baltic Sea. It has a population of around 3.3 million people. Its capital and biggest city is Vilnius with more than 500.000 inhabitants.

The official language is Lithuanian (which sounds a little bit like somebody constantly spitting out. But you will hear this yourself a little further down.)
Most of the population are Lithuanians but there also are around 350.000 Russians and 350.000 Polish.


About Lithuanian history: well if those guys know one thing then it is how it feels to be occupied. They basically were occupied by Russia for almost 200 years!
It was not until the end of the Soviet Union in 1990 that they became an independent state.

After a decade of stagnation they finally had a nice economic boom and even became member of the EU.
But as in many other countries during the latest economic crisis it turned out that much of the economic success of Lithuania had been built on san😛 their national economy shrank by 15% and unemployment went up to 20% (this is probably the reason why so many of them play erepublik - they got the time and cannot afford to play better games 😃 )


As there is a great variety of different dished in the different regions, I will prepare a 3 course menue for you:

Let us start with the Soup:

I do not know what it is called and I just hope that it tastes better than it looks...

The main course is the most famous food of Lithuania: the Lithuanian Zeppelini

They actually taste quite good (they basically are potatoe-mash filled with meat).

As desert I would recommend Raguolis Cake

Well to be honest: I have never tried it - but it looks great 😃


I will concentrate on the only two bands that I actually know from Lithuania:

Sel are a Lithuanian HipHop group. They have been in business for quite some time and are even known outside of Lithuania:

The other group I know is Skamp. Why do I know them? Well they took part in the ESC some years ago - with a quite shitty song imho.
That is why I chose a song that at least I liked a little more:

Famous Lithuanians:

Contrary to common belief there actually are some Lithuanians one might know

1. Jonas Pleksys: the guy "Hunt for Red October" is based on - no pic, sry

2. Yes you see right. Charles Bronson is of Lithuanian descent. His original name was Charles Buchinski

3. Zydrunas Ilgauskas - some NBA geeks might know him. Famous Lithuanian basketball player

4. Monica Lewinsky: It may not be something that Lithuanians want to advertise, but America's favorite presidential home wrecker is of Lithuanian heritage.

5. And last but not least: Hottest chick in Lithuania:

I hope the info in this article will be helpful to you and you will use it on the battlefield against those frosty orcgollumgiants!

PS: Topics I would have loved to include but could not find anything are:
- How to insult somebody in Lithuanian
- Stereotypes about Lithuanians
- Places to visit in Lithuania (as I only know the capital all I could say is: "Visit Vilnius, forget the rest of the country!" 😃 )
In case some reader knows something about it: please tell us in the comments 🙂

PPS: sorry for the slight RL-trolling - I just could not resist 😃