Know your candidates!

Day 516, 22:12 Published in South Africa Brazil by South African Party

With the congressional elections drawing near, and platforms being published left, right and center, we would like to make your life a little easier. Therefore, in the next few installments we will provide brief summaries of the SAP candidates and their platforms.

Zagarius - North-West
Life according to Wiki
He is a 5 month old citizen, who had notable stints in the USA, Ireland, Brazil, and lately, South Africa. From his records it is clear that he is an active citizen, who quickly becomes involved wherever he goes.

Zagarius's strong points are recruitment and politics. As such he is passionate about getting people involved and active. He always tries to get all the parties included on important decisions, which, to the SAP Gazette, seems like the civilised, grown-up thing to do.

He is outspoken and enthusiastic and would be a welcome addition to a congress which too often just rubberstamps the proposals of a few.

Pierric Bross - Free State
Life according to Wiki
Another extremely active citizen (having posted more than 3700 in-game forum messages), Pierric William Bross is a 9 month old, whose career include many highlights. He played leading roles in the previous parties he served, before recently joining the SAP, because their "position fits mine perfectly". He has served in congress for 5 consecutive terms, and as such is a uniquely qualified and experienced politician.

You can rest assured that he will vote for proposals that will improve the South African citizen's life, and having lived through various TO attempts, will work diligently to expose and prevent them.

Remember to subscribe in order to receive our next election special (with more of our candidates introduced) on your doorstep, no matter where you are.

Informed - Involved - Inspired to vote on the 25th!