Know the True Face of Your Enemy

Day 710, 03:50 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

Lately we have had the joy of Kristache and Highst visiting us on our IRC channel. They also seem to enjoy to troll our newspaper articles and leave some comments. In these comments and on IRC they now claim that they have great plans for Belgium/ Flanders and that they only want the best for that country and that it is the UNL that is blocking them. Is that true are they here to help the Belgians? Let’s take a look at their true motives.

Here is a nice quote from Kristache:
“When our strategic objectives will be accomplished, it's impossible to offer a time-frame. But I can assure you that we're gonna leave behind a country, not a playground. “

So they admit that their primary objective is not the wellbeing of Belgians let alone the country.
They have “strategic objectives” that can take forever. These “strategic objectives” are the only reason they are here. So what are these: “strategic objectives” and will they benefit the Belgium people?

When PEACE invaded the USA and Canada for some revenge we (France, GB, Germany and the UNL) all took part in the fighting. Now that we have been removed from the USA they want revenge. The USA is preparing as we speak an invasion in these countries which is something they aren’t hiding.

When they finally have the balls to do it they will use multiple fronts to keep pressure on us. One of these fronts will be Belgium. According to game mechanics a country that is being attacked cannot go on to the offensive. So attacking with two or three nations at the same time will not give the defender any break. We have seen this strategy used by PEACE in the USA and was one of the reasons we destroyed them.

So although Kristache and Highst claim they are doing all of this for the benefit of the Belgian people they don’t care about you. There first proposals in congress was to get MPP’s with nations that are imperialist (just look up the Romanian Empire on the wiki). Then they are proposing to steal all your money from the state accounts to an org they only have access too.
Where is all that great gold that Romania and the USA have? Where is a hospital? Where are jobs and food for the new players that start in Flanders? The UNL is the only one providing that.

You are nothing but a tool to them that they will use and get rid off without thinking twice. By the time they are ready to leave they will leave Belgium with no money and plenty of open wars with its neighbors and all of the new citizens that join in Flanders dead.

So Belgians know the true face of your enemy and don’t be fooled by their claim to be helpers of the Belgian people. Look at their comments and actions they say enough.