Know (more of) your candidates!

Day 518, 22:27 Published in South Africa Brazil by South African Party

Decision time is drawing near, with the congressional elections only a few days away. To aid you in your decision-making, we are publishing a series of brief summaries of the SAP candidates and their platforms.

CharldeGrote - Gauteng
He is a 3 month old citizen, born and bred in South Africa. He spent some time in Russia on a business venture before returning to South Africa where he joined the SAP. As a seasoned journalist, he has grown his newspaper, the Southern Voice, to be one of the most popular and informative publications in South Africa.

He has previous experience as congressman in Limpopo, which will be invaluable in serving the voters of Gauteng.

CharldeGrote will serve the people of Gauteng first and foremost and do everything in his power as congressman to see to it that ordinary people know what goes on in congress and as such he could only enhance the image of a institution often seen as inaccessible by ordinary citizens.

Whiteheart - Limpopo
• Platform -
Life according to Wiki
At a month and a half old, Whiteheart has already established himself as a senior member of the South African Party. He played a leading role in drafting the SAP's manifesto, organizing and setting up party structures, and participated tirelessly in the party's recruitment efforts.

He is an active citizen, who believes that one should be completely involved in the ventures one choose in life, characteristics which are often lacking in the politicians of the New World.

Whiteheart is a proud and patriotic South African, in-game and in RL. He will never vote on a proposal without researching the repercussions and will always try to improve the average South African citizen's life, through his vote and through his support of government programs and initiatives.

Remember to subscribe in order to receive our next election special right on your doorstep, and for the homeless, wherever you are sleeping.

Informed - Involved - Inspired to vote on the 25th!