Knesset Election Wrapup

Day 979, 16:34 Published in Israel Israel by UIIP Official Org

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Congratulation to everyone on a great election. Turnout was down overall, but the vote totals in the outlying regions were relatively stable from last election, indicating that we have a good amount of active citizens (people active enough to move around to vote) still playing.

Before I get started, I want to remind all Knesset members to donate their treasure map gold to the national bank. We rely on this money to pay for things like MPPs, setting the Gold/NIS peg, and funding the eIDF or programs like the IAI. Donations from non-Knesset members are welcome too!

Congrats to all of the winners. There are 39 nine of them. More on that later. First up here is a full list of everyone who ran with how many votes received (click here for the swanky official color version):

Non-Wildcard Winners (34 people)
Aeroner - United Israeli Independents - 17
Perfect.Knight - Shalom Party - 10
Ohad Sella - United Zionist Party - 10
matanb - Shalom Party - 8
Dean Michaely - Shalom Party - 6
CRoy - United Israeli Independents - 6
SamMed - Shalom Party - 6
matan9010 - United Zionist Party - 5
Israel The Best - Shalom Party - 5
Jamarcus - United Israeli Independents - 4
tooo - United Zionist Party - 4
eynetane - United Israeli Independents - 3
mrsjholiday - United Israeli Independents - 3
Sam Krakower - United Israeli Independents - 3
bloodger - Shalom Party - 3
Daniel HaChawer - Shalom Party - 3
conchis1 - United Israeli Independents - 3
MetalliDeth - United Israeli Independents - 3
go for it - Shalom Party - 2
eyal rev - Shalom Party - 2
Gherk - United Zionist Party - 2
Krisztian Kelemen - United Zionist Party - 2
ma tai - Shalom Party - 2
Jewyoyo - United Zionist Party - 2
Shlomi_BS - Shalom Party - 2
Haile Selassie l - United Zionist Party - 2
Daniel Ender - United Zionist Party - 2
Frodo Malinowitz - United Israeli Independents - 2
Joe DaSmoe - Shalom Party - 1
HowieX - United Zionist Party - 1
Arthur Sandyman - United Zionist Party - 1
Israel Life - Shalom Party - 1
dudi2s United Israeli Independents - 1
Wade Seagrave - United Israeli Independents - 0

Wildcards (5 people)
GideonIL - Shalom Party - 2
70mD II - United Zionist Party - 2
NbaShooter - Shalom Party - 2
Thain Peretz - United Zionist Party - 1
Katsa - United Zionist Party - 1

Not qualified (9 people)
yibgib - United Zionist Party - 1
Gzen - United Zionist Party - 1
Tanner James Bowman - United Zionist Party - 1
PositiveBlood - Shalom Party - 1
mkcg - United Zionist Party - 1
Alephande - United Zionist Party - 1
Its Jose - United Zionist Party - 0
enderex - Shalom Party - 0
Tomer1994 - United Zionist Party - 0

Total votes: 141 Presence: 14.86%
^This is pretty grim, but because eRep boosted everyone's health back to 100 after the switchover, we have a ton of zombies as does the rest of the world. According to estimations floating around, August 8th is the day they will die off. So after that, election numbers should be much more accurate.

Confetti! \o/

Notable Information
- Only 6 people ran in Haifa (7 are supposed to be elected in each district), and the extra seat wasn't transferred to a wildcard elsewhere. This means the Knesset starts out with 39 members
- Tooo declared his candidacy when he was level 9. Citizens have to be level 15 to run for the Knesset. Not sure how this happened, but congrats on the win tooo! Four votes is an awesome amount for someone eBorn only 11 days before the election.
- HUGE congrats to eyal rev for winning a Congression election for the 13th time! That is amazing.
- Big congrats to ma tai, who had her 12th, Sam Krakower, who won for the 11th time, and GideonIL, won for the 11th time. That is simply epic you guys (and gal).
- Also, big ups to Thain Peretz for his 10th successful election(!), Aeroner for his 9th, go for it for his 9th, Jewyoyo for his 8th, and Joe DaSmoe for his 7th. \o/
- Last months 3rd place finisher in the Presidential elections, Aeroner, received the most votes with 17 in the densely populated Beersheba South.
- New eIsraeli and UIIP'er, but long time eRep'er, Wade Seagrave won in Haifa with 0 votes!
- SamMed, the 2nd place finished in Jerusalem, resigned from the Knesset shortly after the results were finalized. I've been told that this was a mistake. SamMed has still donated his election gold to the bank. Thanks Sam!
- Former President Perfect.Knight is back in the Knesset after becoming Shalom Party President shortly after finishing his Presidential term. Welcome back!
- Every party had at least one candidate with 0 votes.
- The UIIP had the first place finisher in every region except for Nazareth North (tooo won that region with 4 votes).
- The UIIP also had the most KMs with 3 or more votes, with 8. Shalom had 7, and the UZP had 3.

Facts and figures

Party Breakdowns - Seats
Shalom - 15* KMs out of 17 candidates (88😵
UZP - 13 KMs out of 20 candidates (65😵
UIIP - 11 KMs out of 11 candidates (100!)

Great percentages for all parties. The UIIP was able to vote in every one of their candidates (this article is non-partisan but I want to quickly say great job UIIP'ers!), and moved from 3 KMs before the election to 11 after. Shalom moved down from 20 KMs last term to 15 this time, and the UZP moved down only slightly, from 15 last time to 13 this time around. *At the time of writing, one member of Shalom has resigned (SamMed) so Shalom now has 14 KMs.

Party Breakdowns - Votes (party membership numbers based on totals on election day and vote totals include those for candidate that did not win)
Shalom - 56 for 123 members (46😵
UIIP - 45 for 49 (92😵
UZP - 40 for 203 members (20😵

Big gaps here. The UZP gained 10 votes over their totals on Party President election day, Shalom gained 23 votes, and the UIIP gained 29. Total vote numbers are down overall, from 257 last Knesset election to 141 this time, but the vote totals are surprising to say the least.

That's it for the election of July 25th, 2010. If anyone has anything to add or edit, please let me know or leave a comment. Remember to sub!

Congrats again to everyone. I'm looking forward to a productive and fun term. \o/

UIIP Party President">