Kittanical Take-Over

Day 755, 23:55 Published in USA USA by Capt.Wolf


You heard it first. The Federalist Party is the very first to witness the great might of this new strategy upon the land. What is this strategy, you ask? Assuming you know anything about eRepublik, you'll find the title somewhat suspicious. Let me clear your concerns.. this is no longer a fair election. To be honest, CitizenSlave has no chance against the amazing skill and devotion put forth to make this plan work.

This, my fellow subjects, is a kittanical take-over.

Yes, you're right. I just made up that word, simply because "kitten take-over" did not possess enough leverage to convey these awesome feelings towards our greater benefactor, The Kitten Overlord. Still, the Overlord requests much cuteness from the following article, so do feel free to stare at the pictures. They are cute and have no intention to change. Yes... feel free to ignore all of the politicking. Surely the pictures are much, much more entertaining.


The sheer scale of power we can derive from kittens in eRepublik is undeniable. Unfortunately for humanity, The Kitten Overlord has already played it nice, and now it’s time for more hostile action. Politics aren’t necessarily in a kitten’s innate skills, so I’ll be speaking for them.

Following my previous enlightenment about the possibility of congress-cats, I would like to bring up my next idea to the Federalist Party. With this idea, we can indefinitely win against the stronger parties ahead of us. This idea will be to transform one of our own into a cute, helpless and little kitten, and then force that agent of ours into the presidential race for the eUnited States. There is no possible way we can lose with this idea. Even with all the dog lovers voting for the opposite candidate, early results show that the cat lovers of eRepublik are far more numerous than the former.

Once in a place of presidency, this agent will seek to organize a new congress within our country. This new congressional body will be comprised of fellow kittens enlisted by the Federalist Party, Outreach Kitten program, and we will without a doubt have the majority vote over every law passed.

I believe it is safe to say that once everyone is under our kitten’s control, then we’ll begin our lives of complete obedience to The Kitten Overlord and his new flock of politically-driven, while still fluffy, politicians.


It is unacceptable to waste food, according to our local Kitten Overlord, so this month I shall present to you my latest appeasement for our benefactor. With the main focus on enabling back-up food reserves for the enlightenment of our feline counterparts, among several [strike]totally not diabolical[/strike] unrevealed plans for those fluffy little things, we will give plenty a reason for our feline citizens to join the Federalist Party and flock to our cause.

First off, I’d like to announce my reawakening of my previous idea to spend additional funding towards the greater quality food for our feline-inclined brethren. From this point on, let it be known that if I’m elected to Party President in place of our benefactor, The Kitten Overlord, I’ll place several kibble hoppers for the assorted wandering felines that stumble to the Federalist Party. No doubt a resource like that would be hard to leave.

The only problem would be leaving our feline brethren wanting more, as seen below.

As for my next great idea, mandatory mixed luncheons. Yes, you heard me correctly, we will be sharing our meals with the newest race to join the Federalist Party, the felines. I can understand this will not be an easy thing to do, seeing as cats are much more picky about their food, but I promise to see the meals shared between us and the felines fit. As I said earlier, these luncheons will be mandatory, and any public disloyalty to this event will not be tolerated.


As part of my strong military campaigns previously, I’d like to keep this section dedicated to how I plan to harness the natural strength and quantity of cats, and have them devoted to the Federalist cause.

As you can plainly see, cats are much, much, much more numerical than humans. Why, for every citizen in eRepublik, I anticipate there are four cats waiting to be revolutionized and geared up for war. The following information is the pride of my campaign, and I intend to make sure it’s carried out well over the course of the next month as Party President.

Once my plans for recruiting the cats begins, I’ll immediately start the training of a large army comprised of both feline and human roles, along with the commission for a party military warship codenamed M.E.W. Once warship M.E.W. is logged for construction for our party military, we will prepare for the arrival of the toughest, most agile, and the extremely gifted felines available to our case. Although this may be seen as somewhat unorthodox, as the overseer for this party military, I will scout around for younger cats, otherwise known as kittens, and recruit them to our cause.

When we have a fair amount of talented cats prepared for training, we’ll begin our extensive augmentation clinic and training network designed specifically to enhance the senses and abilities of our feline compatriots while they undergo weekly blood and bone augmentations. Nothing more can be stated about this program, other than the fact that seventy-percent or more of the feline trainees may not survive the harsh augmentation or training. For future reference, the successful initiates will be regarded as Spartan Kittens.

At the end of the program, warship M.E.W. will be constructed and loaded with the Spartan Kittens and selected humans, to eventually act as our private military force. Needless to say, this entire operation will require massive amounts of funds to even begin. Assuming all goes according to plan, we’ll be able to outsmart the feline entities around eRepublik into giving us their hard-earned, yet unspent, taps of free currency.

Foreign Policy:

My position on foreign policy during this campaign is heavily influenced by the dramatics in Asia over the last month. Seeing as the battles continue unfolding, with neither side yielding to one another, this will be where I achieve my only act of peace towards our enemies. The Kitten Overlord has taught me much of the awesome power of music, so it is without a doubt that I go forward and a fully-functional volunteer orchestra comprised of kittens and cats alike.

The enemies all around the world will easily think twice about engaging in hostile action against our country when they see the obvious cuteness that would naturally come from a large gathering of feline entities.


In conclusion, my dreams will soon become realizations for the Federalist Party. Within time, if you vote for me and The Kitten Overlord, you will find yourself a participant in the greater scheme of things. With me as the next party president, we will no longer be forced to remain in politics. With our own powerful warship and the best crew available to board it, the Federalist Party will become the first world party capable of changing global events.

We will finally have a say in the silly global conflicts that plague this new world.

Remember, when the time comes,
vote Capt.Wolf-Kitten Overlord.
We’ll change the game.. for you.