Kim's CLUB - Airforce Support Project

Day 3,953, 09:40 Published in South Korea South Korea by Granit34

Some weeks ago, our CP Trisoul said about "Airforce Support Program" on Nongmin-Ilbo [Link]

but he is busy on RL, so i take over this program from Trisoul.

This program was applied from all of korean citizen, and we started this program from Last week. [Member list]

※ Notice

We will give 5cc per 1 Airforce Kill, 750 Q2 per 1 DO clear.
Member of 9th Airborne Brigade don't need any reply about weekly support article, other member of project should write reply about weekly kill and the times of DO cleat.
if you do anything (EX. apply 9th Airborne Brigade / write reply), I can't support you.

Let's Fly and Fight!
this article is Airforce Support Project notice's ENG version.