Killswitch for Congress

Day 1,250, 15:34 Published in Canada Canada by Killswitch

Hello eCanada,

Once again, I am announcing my running for congress! I have lots of past experience with politics that would make me an ideal congressman. Leading political parties and being elected for congress 5 times, voting Killswitch assures you a vote for the right candidate!

Why Killswitch?

I have much in-game experience, being born almost 1000 days ago, and many ideas to make eAlberta and eCanada a better place. I am very open and easy to talk to, and all serious suggestions will be listened to and considered. Activity, also, will not be a problem. Real life right now is starting to slow down, which lets me dedicate most of my time towards eRepublik and serving you, the people of eCanada.

Why eAlberta?

eAlberta has been my home for the past two and a half years. I have already served in congress here 3 times, and I know that eAlbertans will always pick the right candidate for their country.

What will you do for eCanada?

I will do what I always have done: Lead with a strong fist. eCanada is one of the greatest country's in the eWorld, and I will do everything I can to make it the greatest. I will support eCanadas strong army. I will make sure our economy is stable and thriving. I will represent my fellow eAlbertans not only as their congressman, but as one of them. I will do what is right for our country.

Vote Killswitch for congress.

Thank you,
