Kids say the darndest things.

Day 1,239, 13:45 Published in USA USA by Gaara Killah

(The great Bill Cosby)

Kids really do say the darndest things. Its funny how some of our "politicians" can be childish and immature. Take for example Pizza the Hut: He has accused me of being both rude and a bigot. Granted, I can be rude. I am certainly not a bigot however. "What is a bigot Ghost?" you may ask. Here is the Websters Dictionary definition:
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

I asked Pizza the Hut to explain his importation of Serbian Party Members. he gave a very vague response to my fairly simple and direct question, he is obviously hiding the truth.

His Response: Pizza The Hut to Ghost Killah | 13 hours ago
My party consists of a lot of nationalities... Serbs, Croats, Romanians, Costa Ricans, etc... most are RL Americans but as long as they play by the rules, why would I discriminate?

Worry about the TURKS... not the Serbs. Wow.

Wow is right. Now my fellow Americans, I ask this of you tonight: Is the importation of SERBIANS, American? NO IT IS NOT!

After informing him of how un-American he is being he tells me this: Pizza The Hut to Ghost Killah | 12 hours ago
uh dude... I accept members based on who they are as INDIVIDUALS. We are a cohesive unit.. don't be a bigot... that's not right.

I am fairly sure that he meant to say "...I accept members based on whether or not they will help me PTO. We are a cohesive PTO unit..."

PTO's are a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY. Yes, I went there, NATIONAL SECURITY! If he thinks that NATIONAL SECURITY is the same thing as bigotry, then he is truly not as smart as he claims to be.

Even "political retards" know that they should stay away from this PTO based on what they hear from their new found friends here in eRepublik. Sadly I did not listen to these friends of mine until I decided it was time to play the political game.

If you love America, I urge you to stand by me and oust this PTO once and for all! Stand by her and show the world that America won't be messed with!

EDIT: Ghost Killah to Pizza The Hut | 2 hours ago
If only you knew how I grew up. I was brought up in a all black neighborhood as 1 of 2 white kids. I went to a school where I was in the minority.
Pizza The Hut to Ghost Killah | one minute ago
um why would your parents make you live in such a horrible place?

also, they all vote for Obama so they suck....

You are bigoted against COOL PEOPLE

and I don't

If this doesn't proof that Pizza the Hut is horrible, I don't know what will. Stop this PTO! Pizza is a huge bigot for even saying/thinking this!

Until next time,
~GK (a.k.a. Action Bastard)