KIA Sneak Holds the Presidency

Day 286, 16:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CV James

The hotly contested general election proved to be a thriller when KIA Sneak held control of the top spot by 5 votes. eUK's incumbent President, won with 141 votes over the UK Reforms candidate, Dishmcds's 136. KIA Sneak has taken office and will assume control of eUK immediately. We wish him the best of luck in working for a prosperous nation. Alain Bates had a very disappointing day, securing just over 40 votes, whilst the UBP and LTU candidates took very little share of the vote.

However in the Congress elections, the PCP remained the biggest party and even managed to increase their share of the vote to 34%, with 116 votes, nine more than their nearest rival, UK Reform who followed closely behind at and along with TUP, also saw increases in vote share to 32% and 17% respectively whilst LTU and UBP lost vast control.

However, voter turnout was again highly disappointing, with just 25% of the population voting. Questions will be asked as to the validity of the President and Congress's mandate, and solutions to this problem.

Congratulations to eUK's President, KIA Sneak and good luck to the new congress. eUK Telegraph wishes you the best of luck in you terms in office.

Meanwhile, eyes now look towards the upcoming party president elections on September 10th and local elections on September 20th. Keep coming back, we will have an exclusive interview with the defeated Presidential candidate, Dishmcds later on today