Kesk-Eesti = Porosus!

Day 514, 18:23 Published in Estonia Russia by Porosus

Well, I guess its time to make an acutal platform. This isn't all, but its all I'm going to write right now, you have been warned.

I've been in Estonia since the 2nd day of Estonia's existence. I've been avid in the media about what to do, and if you have been reading my articles, you would know that I am all for Estonia, not one of those lowly TO'ers who can't even win an honest election, and have to resort to breaking the rules by using multiple accounts.

What I stand for:
Well, Estonia's wellbeing of course! I'm not going to say something right now, that might end up being a bad choice later on. I pro- Atlantis, but I'm also fine with staying neutral. I don't really care if we're Imperialistic or not, as long as we have a country and a healthy economy. I'm all for an established military, we need one in order to keep our borders. We also need to fund the military, since an army runs on its stomache, the food is money! I'm not talking about vast sums, but a little here and there can go a long way, especially since we're mainly going to have a defence force.

Before you click on whom to choose, click on who you think you are going to vote for, and see if they have a lot of friends. If they only have 1-8, its a fairly good chance that it might be a multi account designed to take a region. One of my compeditors only has 4 friends, including the Admin!!

For anything else I missed, read another one of my articles, as its what I'll be pushing for.
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