Kermit needs YOU! Don't let him down

Day 1,335, 04:00 Published in Norway USA by Christopher Moe
What is article is about can be summed up in these words:

In the time of need don’t ask what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country.

But we still ask of you to read it all ( haHA!)

Norway is pulled away from victory, and one of the reasons if greed. A lot of good patriots have already signed up to volunteer for this great nation, so what’s stopping you?
I can see it in your eyes, I can feel it in your anger, but ask yourself this... How can be win a war without guns? The government is giving you this great opportunity to help your country so why don’t you do your part. If we can fill up the remaining positions you can expect Norway to produce almost 100-tanks each day, and believe me that is a really good start to fund our self and out allies.

Beautifully but dangerous, so watch out ONE

Norway and Kermit need about 10 new patriots to do their part for our nation and the positions will be filled up sooner than you can expect so contact Taulen NOW and make Kermit proud in the same proses.

Come on people, if we want progress to happen we need to pull our share of the load. Don’t be the crab that stands and watches while others to all the work.

Norway’s victory lies in the word unity


If you need compensation for the plane ticket you only have to contact Christopher or Xenius Scorpicus and they will send you money.