Kentel for Alaska

Day 824, 11:58 Published in USA USA by Kentel


I'm Kentel. I'm running for senate and of course you, the voters, need to know what exactly it is you're voting on. I have the privlege to run to in the beautiful state of Alaska.">
The Shire and Alaska are basically the same thing, right?


I've played eRepublik for a little over 2 months. During that time I've served in the following capacities:
Media Advisor and Editor for PigInZen's presidential campaign.
Served in the Australian Army Reserves.
Currently serving in the United States Training Corps.
Campaign Worker for Cozza's presidential campaign in eAustralia.

Now, onto the issues!


This game is about the military. It would be utterly useless to deny it. With that in mind, it's important that we always have some battle going on that is of interest. While we are in the midst of a war such as this one, that is less of an issue. However if this ever cools down, we need a meaningful war to occupy our attentions and keep our economy rolling.

A crucial problem however, is the lack of gold coming into the government. Lana has hurt our funding. We will have to search for the most cost effective routes. At this moment, money has to trump emotions. If we can fight a war for half the cost that still entertains the populace, even if it doesn't make them quite as happy, we still have to take that option. Hopefully this will change with V2, however we have to work with what we have.

Also important to me is helping our allies. We must carefully prioritize our battles. The falling out with eRomania was disastrous. We can't let that happen again. eRomania was one of our strongest, faithful, and intelligent allies. To lose them in such a large capacity is simply unacceptable.

Foreign Policy:

This is the area I feel most strongly about. Our foreign policy needs to focus on eAmerica's interests. At the moment, there are no serious issues where eAmerica is in serious need of aid. By sending our support to our EDEN allies, we can support the development of our allies and their defense. As I will discuss later, eAmerica's image must be in the best shape it can be. By interacting with our allies on a daily basis we improve our standing amongst the people.

Also in regard to EDEN, they need to start pulling weight for us. We have assisted Spain and Poland in their wars to an enormous extent. We helped Poland take North Brazil. We took Upper Normandy and wiped France off the map. When it came time for the United States to attack the UK, Poland and Spain's assistance was minimal. I don't want to sit around and play the blame game. However, I will expect assistance from EDEN in return for everything we give them.">
The tophat makes me look like a good politician, right?

The Economy:

Our economy is slipping. Someone of my skill level used to be able to find a job for 6.50 USD. Currently the highest one is 5.72 USD. That's over .75 USD a day. That hurts our war machine. Instead of buying Q2 food, players might have to stick with Q1. That reduces our nations wellness. eAmerica's military will also be dampened. That's a 1 wellness difference everyday. To fix this, we need to encourage consumption. Our economy is too dependent on highly productive workers producing for other highly productive workers. This means that there is an over abundance of everything, meaning the supply is increased.

In essence, the issue of the economy comes down to one thing. New citizens.

Baby Boom and Retention:

Jewitt can't eat all the Serbain babies for us, so we need to catch up. Rather then just trying to help the new citizens who stumble upon the game, we need to spend extra time focusing on different areas. There are 2 areas especially where we can make our population increase.

1). Friends - Face it. By bugging a friend into the game and helping them step by side, they are much more likely to stay. If they have someone to help them from the beginning, right from creation, a new player is much more likely to reach level 5. By reaching level 5, they can fight and begin to care about the game. Encouraging players to actually bring their friends into the game, that is how our player base will actually increase.

2). Foreigners - This is the other option for garnering new citizens that will stick with it. If we encourage those who have already joined and reached a substantial level to come to the United States, they are almost certain to stay. Of course, we will have to be careful about accepting citizenship requests to avoid being PTO'd. This is a critical part of my Foreign Affairs platform. We need to improve eAmerica's image over the world. I will encourage our ambassadors to actually get in contact with the countries they are assigned to and to publish articles in that country. We need to show other countries who we are and what we're about.


The Fortress strategy works. The only thing I would possibly change is a Q2 in Texas and/or New York. Other then there, there is absolutely no reason for Hospitals. While other states may clamour for Hospitals for their state, we will have to remain firm. Texas and New York have incredibly large populations and high amounts of new players. Unless another state starts to put up numbers equal to Texas and New York, then there is no point. We will simply have to remain strong and reject them. By and large, I remain a firm supporter of the current Fortress strategy.

On that note, move to Karnataka and support your country!

Of course, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments you might have. If you require moving tickets, I'll be happy to provide them. I can also assist with gifts to improve your wellness.

Very best regards,
Kentel"> ">