Keeping the Faith

Day 670, 08:18 Published in India India by India United
Dear Citizens of eIndia!
Welcome to the India United family!!!

Its that time! Congress time! Are we excited or are we excited?? 😃
Let's build on the trust and faith our fellow eIndians place on us!

Its time to bring in the new, the September-October term of Congress. India United had a very good run last month, with 27 of our 28 nominated members, getting a seat. Let's do even better! Let's make it 30 out of 30 this time!

However Congress isn't just about the seat, the Experience Points & Medal only. Its not just about voting for the right proposals, and high sounding ideology. After all eRepublik is as much a community as it is a game, and as much as advancing in the game is vital & fun, we do have certain responsibilities when we run for Congress.

Towards that:
1. I'll be publishing a brief from our India United manifesto Vision Statement) in subsequent articles. It will have a brief of party policies, and you may use them for your personal manifesto as well.

2. I would encourage all Congress candidates to have a brief manifesto in place. It may be the same one from last term or a new one, given your experience in Congress. Having a manifesto may or may not improve your chances in winning the elections, but will definitely show that you are serious and ready to put in the effort.

3. Please do not put in impractical and unreasonable targets and ideas in the manifesto. Would request all to make sure they are in sync with party policy as well as eIndia's official stand. You can check some of the manifesto's of last term to get an idea. (Check previous articles of Mile Sur Mera Tumhara). The manifesto will also help me and the India United heads to decide on the official list of candidates.

4. As is the norm, please promise to donate 5 gold that you earn from winning Congress elections to Indian Government Bank. Those who do not wish to do so, or have not done so last term, will not be allowed to run in this term. Once elected please donate the 5 gold, within 24 hours of elections, so President can bring out a report as soon as possible.

5. Please state Region preference. We may not be able to put you in the same Region as you request, but will definitely try and incorporate your preference. Also do remember to move to the region where you are placing you candidature from at least 12-14 hours before congress elections and place your candidacy from that region only. For example, if you are running from Orissa, and you've been requested to run in Tamil Nadu, resign your candidacy from Orissa, and place the same in TN.

6. Please contact India United (org) or me, maverick10 personally if you wish to run for congress. It will surely help your chances at being nominated as an official candidate. The National Police Force will also review all Candidates.

7. For all IU members, its very vital that you are in and active on the India United Forum [Under Politics-Party Forums section. If you don't have access, talk to me]. The forums are the backbone of the eIndian community, so join us if you are not in it yet!

8. If you ARE elected, please note.
- Donate 5 gold to IGB
- Sign on Congress Signatures thread, and 'sign after voting each proposal. Its is a new initiative, and will depend on your participation.
- Discuss each proposal for 24-48 hours before putting up in-game. All proposals not put in forum, will be Rejected and the member penalized.

In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power, but carries the ultimate responsibility. ~ Norman Cousins

We, the members of India United pledge to protect eIndia, and place her best interest before ours. We invite you, the citizens of eIndia; join us on this path to take eIndia to the greater glory. eIndia needs her citizens to be active and involved; join our forums, and make yourself heard. Don’t be sheep, who follow orders of the shepherd, but lions, who are not afraid to ROAR! Also have the spirit to learn, to listen to those who lead us on this path, and have more than proved their capabilities and sincerity.

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. ~ J. F. Clarke

Your potential awaits you. Take the right action. Join our India United family. Unite with us on this great mission. Make a difference.

Lets build a better, stronger eIndia.

India United Team

Party President
India United

For any queries, regarding any matter, contact me in-game/ forum or msn@
Also check out my article: Rules of the Game for a better outlook on the congress Elections.

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* Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Toh Sur Bane Hamara
Watch the video at:
The vision of Unity in Diversity is what India United identifies with most. This is our theme, and our motto. It essentially translates as: "When my tune and your tune merge, it becomes our tune".

Let us merge our tunes, our hearts and our actions for the sake of eIndia!

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