Keep Your Promises Parsons

Day 1,466, 03:46 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick
Parsons has today, on behalf of the Swedish nation, attacked Vestlandet, which is a part of Norway. Normally we would not react to Sweden attacking Norway, as Norway and Sweden is involved in a training war. But today is different.

Vestlandet is a region that is protected by a Norway-Sweden Treaty. Norway and Sweden made this deal earlier in the month and now Parsons has decided to attack the region anyway.
On behalf of Denmark I contacted Parsons as soon as I was aware of the illegal attack on our brothers and asked him if he wanted to go down in history as the guy that can never be trusted. To this his response was:
"Sweden won the previous battle and we are going to take the rest too."
If anyone was in doubt, that was a yes.

A long verbal fight between Norway and Denmark on one side (represented by Tommy Skaue, Flitwick and Maine Coon) and Sweden on the other side (represented by Parsons) went on. And this is what was deduced from it.

Parsons attacked Vestlandet, because Norway had attacked Nord-Norge. A you-attack-a-region-we-want-and-we-attack-one-you-want situation. Parsons had just not understood one very important thing, Tommy Skaue was told by Lonestar (Minister of Defense for Sweden) to attack Nord-Norge. So he did.

It is not the first time Parsons has missed out key points. He has several times now, attacked Denmark verbally because Denmark is fighting for Norway. Here is the thing though, this is by agreement with Lonestar (yes, the Minister of Defense for Sweden).
Then he attacked Denmark verbally for signing MPPs with countries that are enemies of Sweden. Here is the deal again, Denmark is a neutral country and we sign MPPs with anyone we like. Just because a country is an enemy of Sweden does not mean it is an enemy of Denmark.
We have informed Sweden about this. And we cannot sign MPPs with friends of Sweden, as that is not in the agreement we have with Sweden. We made a deal with Lonestar (yes yes, the same as before) that Denmark will not sign MPPs with any countries Sweden has MPPs with, to make sure, that Sweden will not lose any MPPs we have in common, in case Sweden has to wipe Denmark. This be for PTO issues, help with congress elections in minimizing the number of regions or in case of a training war Sweden and Denmark between.
So we cannot sign with Swedish friends. We are not allowed.

Parsons ignores this and says, that we fight against Sweden which is our allies. And yes we do, by agreement with Lonestar (nope, not gonna write it this time).

So here is the message to Parsons. Start talking with Lonestar about what is going on. Stop acting like a school yard bully and beat up the little kid in the sand box, just because you can. Make sure Sweden loses the campaign in Vestlandet. And, keep your promises.

Best Regards,