Keep up the good fight

Day 1,707, 11:24 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Firefox30

Well an impressive strike once more by the Royal Navy. During our strike slot 15.8 mil damaged was dealt by a record attendance of 48 sailors.

The top 5 in the honours list this week went to:-

Firefox30 3,038,445
Niko Jones 2,053,399
Helpmeslack 1,372,542
Garth L 1,178,108
Richard Feist 715,999

But most impressive was the attendance by a number of new faces to the strike, which we hope to see now apeparing on a regular basis, so a big welcome and thanks go out to

Sense Freedom
Scott Dawe
Meklon Dramicus

I did notice that a few people appeared to be having connection issues with IRC, feel free to contact me ingame and we'll try to work around these o7

Our strikes certainly meant that there was a large Royal Navy presence in the top 5 for various divisions

Battle 5

Battle 6