Keep Faith, Mr. Mason

Day 882, 16:35 Published in Canada Canada by Craig Norman

Men and Women of eCanada,

Today, Acacia Mason announced he was resiging from the post of Deputy Prime Minister and would be retiring from politics. I’d like to reply to his article and talk to all eCanadians from the heart. Acacia Mason, if you are reading this, I want you to consider what I have to say. You have been a mentor for me at times of discouragement and it is now time for me to be in your corner. I am a wingman and I spot a bro feeling down. It is my duty to respond. It is my duty to care.

For months now, we have elected one-term Presidents. All promised change – none delivered. It’s been the same story every time – talk about holding off the seperatists, and get the endorsement of the Union Nationale. Talk about cleaning up politics, then run into issues about the power of the Executive. Talk about a national vision, and run your government to get a laugh. It’s old politics and it doesn’t deliver fairness for the ordinary Canadian. These are tough times for our country. We need big thinkers and big ideas to set us right. Now, I was in the Canadian Empire Party because I sincerely believed that they had the toughness to push change policies. What is most remarkable is that they hated change as much as the most hardened of CPF members. I then made the transition that not many make from the CEP to the DAL. I imagined that this party, with members honest and righteous would embrace change policies. I was disappointed. See, wherever I turned, I found the same players handling the whole thing. It’s why the CEP can talk about change while electing Bruck, a three-time past PM to the Party Presidency. It’s why the DAL can campaign on a pro-war platform and then deliver no war. Same old politics.

So what do we do about it? Well, you were right to resign from the Deputy Prime Minister post. Change does not come from above. It requires a grassroots political movement pushing new and bold ideas for the future. You won’t get that from the top. No, sir. However, I believe there still is hope. eCanadians are a wonderful group. Together, we threw off the invader and built our national pride. Together, we formed new bonds of friendship with the international community. Together, we built new hospitals and new institutions for our citizens. We’ve done remarkable things because of people like you. We cannot give up hope. Change is possible. Fairness is possible. So, instead of looking to the same policies, the same politics and the same politicians – choose something different. Acacia, our system is broken and we cannot fix it by locking our doors and abandoning hope. This is a democracy and a vibrant one. We have the potential to create a powerful impact on our system. We can achieve fairness. It will take brave and brilliant people like you and Alias. It will take journalists who work for the truth and fight for decency. It will take optimism. You are angry and discouraged. I understand but I ask for your hand as well. The future is unwritten and it is we, the people of this country, who shape it. Not the CPF. Not the DAL.

When you wake up on Wednesday and go to log in to eRepublik, consider people like Alias and myself. We need you, Acacia, and all eCanadians. Change is possible. It will take many hands and many hearts. It will take a nation.

