Keď Vám bude ťažko / In time of need

Day 1,611, 12:24 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Lawyee

Tak už to všetci viete. Nerux musel dočasne uprednostniť svoj RL a požiadal ma, aby som ho zastúpil v jeho funkcii. Nie, že by som mal toho RL voľného času nejako veľa, ale v tomto momente je to určite viac, než má Nerux.

Hoci som pred poslednými prez voľbami ohlásil prezidentskú kandidatúru, nakoniec sa žiadny prezidentský duel nekonal, pretože som skrátka nemal čas. Dnes vidím, že to predsa len malo význam. Prezident sa musí vzdať funkcie a na druhom mieste nemáme PTOera, ani nooba. Ak by to tak nebolo, mohlo by nám byť v ďalších dňoch ťažko...

Budem sa snažiť pokračovať v Neruxových plánoch, pomáhať dobre rozbehnutej vláde tam, kde to bude možné a robiť zodpovedné rozhodnutia.

Aby vždy, keď Vám bude ťažko, ste si spomenuli na to, že Lawyee Vám príde na pomoc

So you probably all know it. Nerux had to temporary choose his RL as a priority and asked me to substitute him in his presidential office. Not that I would have too much RL free time, but at this moment it is still more than in case of Nerux.

Though I announced my candidacy in last presidential elections, there was no presidential run at all - due to my lack of free time. Today I see that my choice still had some meaning. The president has to step aside and luckily we do not have a PTOer or a noob as a number 2. If we would have him, we would be in time of need in the upcomming days...

I will try my best to continue in plans of Nerux, to help the smoothly operating government in their activities whenever it will be possible and to make responsible decisions.

So that in every time of need, you will be reminded that Lawyee comes to help you