Kato Is Running for Party Presidency - Part 2

Day 444, 14:36 Published in Japan Japan by Tadahito Kato

To my knowledge, the founders of The Bushido Party had created a party based on a mild progressivism and somewhat conservative ideology of liberalism. The United Bushi of Nihon under Hitoshi Makoto's leadership, on the other hand, has not shown a clear stand on any issue.

If I am elected the party president, I plan to recycle the party and establish the "Liberal Party of Japan". Clear policies will be implemented and party members will have strong understandings of the party's ideology. Of course, like all party presidents in eJapan, the Liberal Party will be here for eJapan's betterment.

I am a huge fan of democracy and so the party's ideology will remain libertarian. Like the former Bushido Party, the orientation will be restored to center-left. I personally interpret left-wing libertarianism as a form of social liberalism, in which the government helps out citizens by promoting public welfare and equal opportunity for all.

To promote welfare, national institutions such as the Japanese Interior Service should be maintained to moderate economic stability. To stimulate growth, the government should stress more on cultural aspects of the society. Education would not only increase activeness of eJapanese citizens, it would also attract foreigners.

In foreign affairs, it would be of eJapan's best interest to form regional alliance within or out of PEACE. To be honest, PEACE is weak and not really effective in keeping "peace." Like President Akki said, this regional alliance can be an economic and social alliance as opposed to the military nature of PEACE.

As to reforms within the party itself, I plan to make use of the office of vice party president(s). A vice president would take the role of the party president if he or she is absent or ill. I believe this office would greatly reduce the chance of becoming inactive as a party. I will also push through formation of a multi-partisan coalition with other parties sharing similar policies.

If elected, I will of course make the necessary adjustments to suit party members. However, please consider joining the United Bushi of Nihon now if anyone agrees with my views and is looking for a new party. Thanks for reading and have a great day!