Kato Is Running for Party Presidency - Part 1

Day 444, 14:04 Published in Japan Japan by Tadahito Kato

It is a sad truth, but the era of the Bushido greatness had never been revitalized ever since Tanaka took power. As I recall, The Bushido Party, before renamed to the United Bushi, once held great power and even controlled the eJapanese presidency for a long period of time known as the "Bushido dynasty."

I chose to join with the hope that I could support this progressive party established by former cultural nationalists. At the time, Bushido was under control of inactive leader Tanaka. And I quickly befriended Hitoshi Makoto, who sought to revive the great party. I supported him, assisted him, and advised him. However, I began to lose trust when the "great reviver" changed the party orientation without consent.

First, the general political spectrum was changed from center-left to center-right. Then, the ideology suddenly changed from the widely accepted libertarianism to authoritarianism. This incident aroused an outrage that even resulted in the departure of veteran leader Yamato Suzuki, who had come back from months of inactivity.

Even before Suzuki's departure, the size of the party had been gradually decreasing. Although Hitoshi did promote activeness of party members, which is very praiseworthy, the number of members during his terms has in fact been down by almost 40%. Despite this fact, Hitoshi has repeatedly credited himself with the nonexistent "revival of Bushido."

After our loss in the presidential elections, I suggested Hitoshi to start a new career in eTaiwan, which he has openly talked about prior to the elections. I also told him my desire to lead the party and humbly asked for some advice. I was instead called an "opportunist who claimed [to] be leader" in his paper.

As a loyal party member, I wish to clear this name by running for president. As a modern "bushi," I also feel obliged to serve my party in its best interest. For this reason, I will be running against Hitoshi in race approximately a week from now.

To be continued...