Kartals' takeover and our response

Day 392, 07:25 Published in Norway USA by Inanis

As most of you are aware, kartal and his turkish multi's have taken over het biggest party of norway with about 30 votes.
I'd like to ask, do you want to stay there and do nothing, while he remains the party president of the biggest party?

I call to all old and newer members of the party to change your affiliation.
I switched to the golden party, formerly run by Salve, and now another fair member.
Still it is your own choice, you can stay in united enorway. but really I see no reason to as the party has been corrupted to its core.

If we all switch to the golden party we are still together, and combined with the good people from there we surely can defeat kartals' likely future attempts to take a majority of congress and presidency.
also if enough people change party we can make golden party the biggest, stripping kartal from his undeserved position of president of the biggest noorish party.

let us show how we enorwegians stand together against corrupt invaders!