Kansas ... not just flat anymore!

Day 592, 11:16 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Dear Citizens,

I am pleased to announce that on this 4th of July that Kansas will be the home of our third and newest Quality Five Hospital. This is a great accomplishment for our country and I am proud of those involved in producing the Hospital and those in Congress for appropriating its construction and placement.

At this time there is no need to move to Kansas unless you just like its flatness, its agriculture, and its stern but humble people. As most are aware, hospitals are the number one way to fight effectively and to raise your wellness at the same time. A Q5 Hospital lets you either fight an extra 5 times as opposed to no hospital, or raise your wellness by 40 points for free (fight for -10 then the hospital gives you +50, so a Net of +40). Or you could read my article that I pass around to explain the nature of hospitals.


I would like to also point out that Kansas borders nothing and nothing happens in Kansas. This is a good thing that will be more fully explained at a later time by your local Congressman. Furthermore ... watch out for tornadoes and girls with dogs name Toto.

Happy 4th of July!

scrabman - outgoing President of the eUSA